Chapter 14

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 "Hey Chickadee! It looks like you brought more cats with you!" An orange and white cat greeted with a smile. "You should definitely rule over this operation instead of Feathers!"

He shook his head, "I could never, Feathers is an amazing leader and he has much more skill and knowledge than me by a long shot. Don't you think so?" He asked.

The new cat simply snorted but said nothing else. It was obvious that either Chickadee or Feathers got on his nerves a lot, it was hard to tell with only one interaction being seen between the two of them.

*Can the Virtuous Force even be that great if all of the cats don't even support their leader?* Talons thought to herself before shaking her head to clear it. *No, they may be better than that, every organization has those who don't completely support it. It's completely normal. There's some rogues in Lightning's group too.*

"Moon?" A cat asked from up in the tree before a black cat landed on the ground. "Hey! How are you..." Their eyes suddenly showed panic as he asked, "WAIT IS EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT? IS PHEONIX OK? DID ANYTHING HAPPEN TO THE KITTENS?"

The silver tom sighed and replied with, "Everything is fine Tetra. My mate just told me that I should go off to fight with you guys because if I didn't I would be beating myself up, she said the people will take care of her until I get back, everything's fine."

"Can we go to Feathers or are we just going to keep talking to each other?" Talons asked as her yellow eyes narrowed, she wasn't here for some random chitchat, she was here for one reason.

"Oh! I haven't met you before! Hi, I'm Tetra by the way... And Feathers is out gathering food with Jay, Cyclone, and Nettles, they're going on the night hunt, the last hunting group of the day... Do you need something from him?" He asked, tilting his head to the side questioningly.

"I need to talk to him about some cats in the city." She replied, hissing before turning around and walking off. "Tell me when he's back, I need to get something to eat."

The black cat smiled brightly and Talons couldn't help but get annoyed at them, her ears folded back as her lips raised up in a snarl. She just met him and his constant happiness was already driving her crazy. "We have a bit of a large squirrel left over from yesterday. You can have the rest of that... Or I think we have a mouse too if you're not comfortable with eating prey that has already been touched by other cats." He offered with a bright smile. "Come on! I can show you where all of our food is! You can follow us as well Moon... if you want of course, but if you're not hungry, Koifish can take you to where our sleeping quarters are and you can make yourself at home."

Moon shook his head, "I'm not hungry. Hey, Talons, let's see each other again after we eat. Ok?" He asked with a smile, trying to make her happier with his smile. It didn't seem to help though.

"Whatever." She replied as she rolled her eyes and followed Tetra who began to talk again.

"Anyway, where we live here we have a neat compact place where all the cats live and every cat has what they need. All cats who come here are protected and they stay here for as long as they please." He told her with a smile as he walked to a smaller tree. "Chickadee, the cat that you met earlier just joined us a small amount of time ago, however he's one of the best cats here hands down. When we have the battle he's going to be in the front lines. Other cats like Kestrel, Willow and Robin will be on the rescue team to go and help Cloudy, Misty and Talons. From the way everyone describes them they seem to be putting up well, the only one that I would want to meet though is Talons. She sounds hardcore and like she isn't wimpy, she sounds cool."

Talons's previous hostility dissolved as Tetra said she didn't sound like she was wimpy. "Thanks." She said to him with a small purr. "I hope I'm everything you'd think of me as."

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