Chapter 5 - Part 19 (Book 1 - Fantasy World)

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Mila's eyes widened at Alexei's words. She opened her mouth, ready to voice her thoughts, but at the last moment stopped. Her attention shifted to where Sasha was now looking. A corner of her mouth twitched into a sneer. "I guess we were overreacting. The person walking towards us is just a group of humans. One is just a woman with white or silvery hair. Though, I'm impressed with her height for a human." Her words paused before continuing, "But for some reason, the Lady Knight is with this group."

Alexei's ears flickered at learning about the presence of the Lady Knight.

Slowly getting up, Alexei didn't enjoy the idea that the Student Council was somehow involved. While none of the members had acted with hostility towards beast people, a few didn't bother to hide their thoughts about how they viewed human and nonhuman relations and merely tolerated the presence for their own selfish interests.

It was easy to spot the Lady Knight due to how she was always clad in armor. She exuded the aura of someone familiar with the darker side of societal relationships. Despite being human, how she would carry herself garnered great respect amongst the beast people living inside the Academic City. The Lady Knight also treated beast people with respect, allowing them to practice activities connected to their societal culture -- different from not just humans but the other nonhumans. This was why Alexei was confused by seeing the Lady Knight not only walking alongside the instigator but not seeming to do anything to stop the clash from occurring.

Using Mila's description, Alexei's eyes searched for the one who had instigated Sasha. But as his eyes landed on the woman who couldn't even be described as a fighter, all the fur on his body stood on end. A chill slowly seeped into his body as his instincts took over. He immediately recognized who she was, remembering the group walking up the stairs while being escorted by the Lady Knight.

The encounter was one that had left a strong impression on him.

"Sasha," Alexei growled.

Hearing the urgency, Sasha tore her attention from the woman as she turned to look at Alexei. An eyebrow raised, not understanding why Alexei had called out to her.

Alexei understood why Sasha would be confused, considering how they would respond to someone's antagonism. Still, this time, he looked Sasha directly in the eye before slightly shaking his head.

Sasha's eyes widened before narrowing, and her ears flattened.

"Sasha," Alexei repeated but in a calmer voice before shaking his head again.

Sensing something was wrong, Sasha's ears drooped, and her body relaxed.

The rest of the group watched the exchange between Sasha and Alexei. Even the siblings, who had finished their match. The difference was that they were entirely lost by what was happening but understood something significant had happened.

Alexei now switched to the woman a few feet from their group. Sniffing the air, he couldn't help but feel relieved to no longer smell death permeating through the air. He had made the connection, and the smell was somehow connected to the woman.

Nodding approvingly, the woman's gaze first studied Sasha's far more submissive demeanor compared to her earlier self after Alexei chastised her. Her eyes slowly moved so that she now watched Alexei.


Alexei looked to the source of the voice and saw a man of similar height as himself, the same one he had encountered on the stairs earlier. The man's presence was barely noticeable compared to the white-haired woman, as though he blended in with the background. But there was strength in how he called out to the woman, as though he had no doubt she would listen to his command.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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