🎞️ Food 🎞️

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"I need to see seungmin!" hyunjin tried to push through the policemen who held him tight. He sobbed hearing an ambulance reaching. The police wouldn't tell him the reason why they were here and three of them entered the other three kept their guard on Hyunjin who fought to get out of their grip.

sweat made Hyunjin's hair stick to his forehead; his red cheeks were stained with tears. The door of the house opened, and he felt silenced. He watched carefully as two policemen came out. Holding the cuffed hands of seungmin's father behind his back.

Hyunjin felt a knot in his throat, his stomach acids were threatening to come out.

His eyes were glued to seungmin's father's eyes. He was in pain. in regret. but they were also full of hatred.

Two nurses from the ambulance rushed inside the house with a moving bed. Hyunjin felt numb, he didn't even realize the tears flowing.

It didn't take long for the nurses to come out with a bed covered in a white sheet, a person under it, and seungmin's mom crying clutching into her soulless son's hand. The only thing visible, only thing that indicates it is seungmin.

He screamed his name loudly, with all the strength he had in him. As if he will hear him and wake up. Sympathetically, the policemen's grip loosened but it was a big mistake.

Hyunjin didnt run to seungmin, Hyunjin threw up on the floor.

Hyunjin didnt run after seungmin after that either.

Instead he pulled the policemen's gun out of his pocket.


Minho was lying on Jisung's coffin. It wasn't as uncomfy as it looked. Jisung sat next to his head, playing with and stroking his hair. Jisung hummed a song for Minho, as if he is a little baby and his mom is trying to help his sleep.

It soothed Minho though. He laid in this comfortable silence. well as comfortable as he could get in this situation. His loud stomach growls interrupted Jisung's rythm of hums, but he giggled which was also music to someone's ear.

"are you seriously laughing at me dying?" jisung giggled and nodded. "you'll be the death of me Jisung" the edges of Minho's lips curved a little but its only noticeable if you really focus. "that is my aim actually" Jisung giggled again as he braided Minho's soft hair that was too soft for the braid to stick together for more than a split second.

The door slammed opened and in a fast action and a loud SWOOSH a noisy hyperactive angel flew in. "I GOT THE FOOD!"

"Finally! Thank you Jeongin!" minho sat up making jisung slide into the coffin and sit behind him, hugging his arm. Jeongin placed a plastic in front of Minho

"This will last you a whole month before rotting"  he shrugged then flew out of the room, magically closing the door behind him.

Minho pulled out a burger out of the big back and took the biggest bite ever. He was never a messy eater but in a situation like this can you blame him. The sauce dripped on his fingers and bag; he licked the corners of his lips with his eyes shut enjoying the mix of flavours in his mouth.

"gosh its so basic yet the most delicious thing to eat when you've been starved by a 3-thousand-year-old murderer" jisung giggled again, placing his chin on Minho's shoulder. "want to try?" Jisung shook his head. "cant eat, im dead remember?"

"na uh, you're telling me if i die ill be deprived of burger for life? ID RATHER DIE." minho took an aggressive bite of his burger. Jisung watched silenlt as Minho ate and drunk. Depriving him of personal space but minho didn't argue. He was busy with his 5-star meal.

After wiping his mouth with his clean sleeve, Minho placed the plastic bag next to the coffin on the floor. He patted his full tummy in pleasure. "Are you full now?" Jisung smiled back hugging Minho tight, Minho nodded and yawn. "Do you want to sleep minmin?"

Quick to realization, minho shook his head tried to remove Jisung's hands from him. "Jisung no. I need go" he frowned but jisung just hugged tighter. "I'm not letting you go, I love you"

"You've known me for less than a day" Minho let out a sigh and they stayed in silence. Minho felt tired of arguing so he just stayed silent zoning out and thinking of how he got into this situation.

"Wanna go dance?" Jisung giggled after breaking the five minute long silence. "There's this place we go to where they sing and dance. It's fun!" There's something about Jisung's innocent manners that make Minho smile. Always.

"I guess" Minho shrugged. Jisung stood up and got out of the coffin taking Minho's hand. "Let's go my handsome man"

To be continued...

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