Yours To Keep

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Where Ruben becomes terribly jealous after a guy flirts with reader without her knowledge.


You had cravings. Many of them. You craved anything sweet, sour, salty and spicy. And if it came in Supersize you craved that too. But since you started dating Ruben you often hesitated giving into these cravings. Not because you were ashamed of them but because you were respectful of Ruben's healthy lifestyle choices and didn't mind living up to them as well.

Lately, however, your cravings had started to increase. You suspected that your period was on the way, but when it failed to arrive on time, you had no other choice than to allow yourself a little treat. Luckily, Ruben understood your needs as a woman and, like a gentleman, offered to pay for your monthly binge.

"Hey, can I get a double cheeseburger with fries, please?"

You arrived at your nearest McDonald's and skipped towards the counter to place your order. Ruben followed closely behind you, like the walking wallet that he was.

"Sure, anything for you, love. Would you like to order a dipping sauce to go with those fries?"

"I thought it came with a dipping sauce?"

The guy taking your order looked to be in his early twenties. He had jet black hair and blue eyes, a very unique genetic combination.

"Not really, we charge extra for that, but for you darling...." A wink. "It's on the house."

"Oh, that's very kind of you." You blushed. "Ruben, would you like to order anything?"


You turned to him. "But you said you could eat?"

He shrugged his shoulders, hands shoved deep into his pockets. "What can I say," He said, clenching his jaw. "I lost my appetite."

"Alright." You turned back to the guy behind the counter. "That'll be all, thanks."

"Cool, one double cheeseburger menu for the girl with the beautiful smile."

You were excited. A little too excited to be honest. You couldn't wait to get home to enjoy your food and started nibbling on your fries in the middle of the road. You would have gotten a taste of you burger too if it hadn't been for Ruben, refusing to wait up for you as he walked ahead.

"Baby slow down," You said. "You're walking too fast."

Ruben, however, kept on walking ahead of you with obnoxiously long strides.


"Well hurry up then?"

You paused.

Ruben turned around and noticed the distance between you. What's worse is that he let out an eye rolling sigh before making his way back to you, offering you his hand. "Alright, let's go."

You took his hand but couldn't shake the feeling that you had done something to upset him. All was forgotten, however, when you arrived back to Ruben's apparment and he took the opportunity to hop in the shower while you plotted down in the living room, making yourself a spread of your food, enjoying it in front of the TV.

After devouring your meal, you couldn't help but wonder why it took so long for Ruben to join you.


You got up and started searching for him.

"Ruben, where"

You found him in the bedroom, on the bed, with his legs extended as he scrolled through his phone.

"Aren't you joining me?"

Ruben looked up from his screen and noticed you standing in the door. "Have you finished eating?"

"Yes, why?"

"I bet you enjoyed it." He muttered.

"Right...." You entered the room and made your way over to the bed, taking a seat. "Clearly something is bothering you Ruben and you haven't told me what."

"Nothing's bothering me." He chirped, although his eyes refused to meet yours, returning to his phone.

"Right. So if nothing is bothering you why can't you join me for a movie night like you said you would?"

Ruben sighed as he put down his phone. "What can I say Y/N, I'm not in the mood anymore. It happens."

"Yes, but not twice in one night."


"First, you say you've lost your appetite and make me order all of that food for myself. Then you snap at me in the street for enjoying the food, and now you want to skip our movie night like we hadn't planned for it all week. If you want to break up with me, just say it to my face, Ruben. Don't try to push me away."

It was as if time froze momentarily, capturing the intensity of what you just said. Once it thawed, Ruben looked to batt out of his foul mood, a frightened look in his eyes. "Y/N, I..."

"God, with all your mood swings, it's like you're the pregnant one, not me."


Your eyes winded, regretting blurring that out. "I'm....not...or I'm not sure. But I'm late." You nodded.

"Late?" Ruben looked to just have seen a ghost passing by.

You nodded. "My period is late and I've been having cravings." Ruben looked to protest. "Not like my usual cravings." You added.

He made his way towards you, reaching for your face as if to inspect it. However, Ruben's hand only went to dry a fallen tear. You had failed to notice that you were crying.

"Is it mine."

"The baby?"


"Of course the baby is yours, Ruben. Who else would it be?"

"I don't know, perhaps that guy from McDonald's..."

"I knew it!" You exclaimed. "I fucking knew it."

Ruben looked confused. "What?"

"You were jealous of that guy, weren't you?"

"W...what, no? What guy?"

"Don't play dumb with me now Ruben. Admit it. You were jealous of that guy working at McDonald's."

"Why would I be?" Ruben pouted. "I bet he hands out free dipping sauces to every girl with a beautiful smile."

"How tragic." You smirked. "I never knew you to be the jealous type. It really doesn't suit you, you know."

"I am not..."

You squealed as you were tackled onto the matress, Ruben pinning you down with all his weight. You laughed in his ear as he nibbled your throat. "Tell me Y/N, why would I be jealous of some guy working at McDonald's when you're having my baby, huh? Answer that question for me....

You stiffened below him.

"Y/N?" Ruben immediately sensed it and pushed himself off you, giving you the space. "Are you okay?" He asked, looking down.

"I haven't decided yet...."

"Decided what?"

You sat up. "I haven't decided if I should keep it, the baby."

Ruben frowned. "Why wouldn't you?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Ruben shrugged. "Why not? I'm keeping you. If that comes with a baby, so be it."

You were speechless, more so because the way Ruben was acting today, being jealous of such a silly thing like a McDonald's dipping sauce, told you that the guy I was really into you. It brought assurance that you didn't know you needed.

"Y/N, you okay?"

Just like that, he was there again, Ruben, reaching for your face, wiping unwanted tears.

You smiled. "Then I guess I'm yours to keep." 

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