thirty four.

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didn't proofread this time either. wanted to get it up before i went to bed. sorry.


I woke up a little earlier than normal today. I didn't lay around or check my phone when I did, I immediately got up and went to the bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed so I could go see Justin as soon as possible. After last night, I wanted to be anywhere but at home. I was really looking forward to spending this day with him, I needed it.

It seemed like the whole house was empty last night after I went to my room. I expected them to finish the night as a family without me, but I couldn't hear any music or movies or the laughter that normally filled the house on Christmas Eve. It was weird, but I was still too upset to try to go find everyone and attempt to enjoy the rest of the night or give them their presents. Instead I left them in front of their bedroom doors before I left to go to Justin's house today.

I decided to take the bus over there and surprise him. I texted him the whole way there so I knew he was awake and at home. It took a while to get there on the bus but I'm pretty sure my eagerness made it seem longer than what it really was. When I reached his block I practically jumped off the bus and ran to his house, ringing the doorbell when I got there. He took his sweet time opening the door, but when he did I gave him the biggest smile. Once he realized it was me he smiled back.

"What are you doing here? I was gonna pick you up." he said as he pulled me into a hug and his house at the same time. I hugged him back, laying my head on his bare chest since he opened the door shirtless.

"You not the only one that can pop up on someone." I pulled away and kissed him before walking fully into the house. He closed the door before turning around to face me. "Where's Pattie and Jeremy?"

"My mom usually works on Christmas to make sure everyone gets their orders on time and my dad goes with her to spend time with her." Justin answered.

"Awww, that's so sweet." I started walking towards the stairs to go up to Justin's room. It wasn't long before I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his chin rest on my shoulder as we walked together.

"I missed you, baby." he said before leaving a kiss on my neck, I smiled.

"You always say that."

"Because it's always true."

"Whatever you say... I missed you, too." I told him. We reached the stairs and I started to walk up them thinking he would let me go but he didn't. Instead he tried to walk up the stairs with me, making us wobble in the process. We both laughed the whole way up. I led the way to his bedroom and once we were in he flopped onto his bed, taking me down with him.

"You just made that so difficult." I told him. He laughed.

"I just didn't want to let you go."

"It'd only be for a few minutes."

"Still." he said. He moved from behind me on the bed and hovered over me. He helped me take my coat off and threw it across the room. I laid on my back and looked up at his face as he stared at me.

"So, how was yesterday?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, it started off okay, but kinda awkward. Then my dad kept messing with me and that turned into this big thing." I told him.

"Messing with you, like how?"

"He just kept bugging me. I was texting you and he kept telling me to get off my phone and that if I wasn't on it I'd be able to do this & that. it was annoying. He even tried to take it. Like I'm a little kid. When I wouldn't give it to him he tried to physically snatch it from me. I wouldn't let him get it and Brian had to step in between us." I told him. He nodded his head.

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