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"Hey cutie." Alicia said as she entered our dorm room. I playfully rolled my eyes at her as she put her bag on the floor and sat down.

"Don't 'hey cutie' me. I haven't seen or talked to you since that party last week." I told her.

"Sorry. Mike finally asked me to be his girlfriend so we've been spending a lot of time together." she told me.

"See I told you he would do it soon! I'm happy for you." I told her with a big smile on my face. She smiled back at me.

"Thank yoouuu. So what's been going on while I was gone?" she asked me.

"Well... James tried to manhandle me at that party so Justin almost fought him and told me to stay away from him." I told her. I haven't had a chance to talk to her and tell her everything that happened that night and the following day.

"What? Are you serious? I will stab James if he ever tries that again. Who does he think he is?!" she said. I laughed at how mad she was. Her and Justin had similar reactions.

"Chill. I doubt he'll try it again." I told her. I saw her relax after that.

"It's cute that Justin had your back though. This is the second time, he's very protective of you. It's like you're already dating... are you?" she asked me. I shook my head.

"I haven't even talked to him since the day after that party.." I said. Alicia's eyes widened at my statement.

"Really? Why?" she asked me.

"He got mad when I told him this other boy asked me out so I left his house while he was in the bathroom. He hasn't texted or called me and vice versa." I told her.

"Wait. Hold on. Wait a minute. You went on a date? With who? And you know Justin likes you so I can see why he's mad." she said.

"I haven't gone yet. It's later today, actually.. and whatever. That still doesn't give him the right to act like a spoiled baby." I told her.

"Well did you ask him about it?" she asked me.

"Yeah, he brought up when I told him I never thought about dating white guys so I don't know if I'm open to it then he pointed out how I have a date with a white guy and said if I'm not attracted to him I should've just said it instead of lying." The whole conversation replayed in my head as I told her.

"Well he has a point. Imagine if it was you who liked someone that turned you down because of something like, I dont know, you have brown hair, then went out with someone with brown hair. You'd feel the same." she told me. I took a minute to think about what she was saying. I hate to admit it but she's right. My reasoning for turning him down now seemed like a cover up. I don't know why I didn't see it that way before.

"What are you, Dr.Phil, now?" I asked her. She laughed.

"No, I'm just telling you how I see it, love. I'm rooting for you and Justin so I'll always try to tell you both when you're being stupid." She sent me this dumb smile so I rolled my eyes, making her laugh.

My phone vibrated on the bed next to me and I grabbed it and unlocked it so see I had a text from Steven. I smiled as I read it.

Steven: I'm here.

I locked my phone before standing up and grabbing my purse, putting it across my body.

"My date is here, I'll see you later." I told Alicia.

"Okaaayyy. I'll see you later." she said, making me laugh. I left out of our room and found Steven in front of our building.

"Hey." I said as I walked up to him. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. Once he let me go and we started walking with him leading the way. He led me to the parking lot to this white truck.

"Wait, you drive?" I asked him. He chuckled.

"Yeah. I have been for awhile." He unlocked his trunk and we both got in. I admired his all black interior as he put on his seatbelt and started the car.

"This is nice, is this your truck?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it was a graduation present from my dad." he told me.

"Your dad got you a range rover for graduation? All I got was money." I told him as he pulled out of the parking lot. I put my seatbelt on and got comfortable in the seat.

"Well he was really happy about my football scholarship, so.." he said. I remembered him telling me he played football but I never really asked about it.

"What position do you play?" I asked him.

"Quarterback." he replied. I raised my eyebrows.

"Woah, okay.. and you must be good to get a scholarship." I told him. He laughed at my reaction.

"I guess I'm pretty good. You should come see me play sometimes." he told me.

"I will." I responded. We pulled into the parking lot of the carnival not long after that. After he parked, we both got out and walked towards the entrance.

"So what are we doing first? Food, games or rides?" he asked.

"Food. I'm hungry. We can play games after that." Steven nodded his head then we went towards the food stands. We stood and looked at all of our options, not knowing what we wanted.

"Can I get a corn dog and a funnel cake for her?" I heard Justin's voice say. I looked next to the stand we were in front of and saw him standing there with his arm wrapped around some blonde girl. He was wearing a creme colored sweater-like shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing off his tattoos, and light jeans with white high top shoes. His hair was up in it's normal perfect quiff. He looked nice and from what I could see, he was on a date. Good for him.

Once they got their food, they turned around and ended up walking towards us. He looked up and we made eye contact. He smiled.

"Hey Bria." he said.

"Hey." I said back. I looked at the girl he still had his arm around and saw a familiar face.

"Angel? Hi." I said with my eyebrows furrowed and a slight frown on my face. She smirked before replying.

"Hey, Bria. Steven." she said. Steven just smiled and waved.

"We'll leave you guys alone. Have fun." Justin said. I nodded my head and they walked away. It wasn't until they did that I realized how much I missed Justin.

"So I'm thinking about getting a hot dog, what about you?" Steven asked me.

"Uh, I want pizza and deep fried oreos." I told him. He nodded his head and we got in line.

As we waited I took my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it. I went to my messages and found Justin's thread before typing a message.

Me: can we talk?

I sent out the text and stuffed my phone back in my pocket so I could enjoy the rest of my date with Steven.

(author's note): i can't believe this has over 200 views. what?! thank you guys SO much for reading this. i posted it on tumblr last year & it flopped so this means a lot lol ♡

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