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"Yes! We're finally in LA! I can't wait until I find me a fine Cali boy!" Alicia yelled as soon as we closed the door to our dorm. I shook my haed as I sat on one of the beds in the room.

"We're starting college soon and that's all you can think about?" I asked her.

"No, but it's the first thing I thought about." she told me. We both laughed and I shook my head again. Alicia has always been the type to be worried about guys before anything else. She stayed with a boyfriend or a guy to talk to and go see from time to time in high school. I don't know why I thought college would be any different for her.

"Just promise me you won't get kicked out and leave me in LA all by myself." I told her.

"I'll try but no promises." she told me. We laughed again.

"No but seriously Bria, we're in Los Angeles. I know I'm here for college but I want to have fun and enjoy it too." Alicia said.

"I know, I do too. I just don't want to get sidetracked at the same time."

"You won't Ms.Valedictorian. Nerds keep good grades." she told me. I mugged her and she laughed. She knows I hate it when anyone says I'm a nerd.

"Whatever. Let's go see where we can go to eat something. I'm hungry." I said as I stood up. I made sure I had our keys and led the way out of our dorm room.

We walked through all the students in the hallways until we got outside. The sun was out but there was a nice breeze. The weather was so nice, I loved it already.

"How are we going to find out where to go?" Alicia asked. I looked around at all the people moving in and walking around until I noticed two guys just standing off to the side.

"Let's ask them" I said. I knew she'd be okay with it because they were cute. She led the way to them and I just followed.

"Hey, do you guys know where we can get something to eat?" Alicia asked them with the biggest smile on her face.

"Um, there's a Chipotle and a Starbucks just down the street that way." one of the boys said as he pointed in that direction.

"Okay, thank you." Alicia told them. Just as we were about to walk off, we heard the same boy's voice again.

"We could join you if you want." he said. Alicia smirked and looked to me for approval so I shrugged. I really didn't care who came with us, I just wanted to eat.

"Okay, sure. You guys can come." Alicia told them. They smiled and we all starting walking to the resturants.

"So y'all freshmen?" the same boy asked. It seemed like he was the only one talking to us. I wondered why his friend seemed so shy but then again I wasn't talking either so I guess it made sense.

"Yeah." Alicia answered him.

"Oh okay. We're seniors." he told us.

"Oh seniors? I'm sorry we won't have more time to spend with each other." Alicia told him as she smirked. She wasted no time to flirt.

He noticed her attempt and smirked at her.

"What's your name ma?" he asked her.

"Alicia.. and that's Bria." she told him.

"I'm Mike and that's James." he said. Him and Alicia shared this creepy look before starting to talk again. James and I just walked next to each other in silence. It was awkward but I didn't really care. All I cared about was this food that was about to enter my belly.

After about twenty minutes we were at Chipotle and I was finally eating my burrito bowl. Alicia and Mike were still talking and flirting while I was stuffing my face. I heard someone laugh and immediately looked up to see James laughing. I realized how fat I must've looked and got so embarrassed.

"Sorry, it was a long flight. I'm mad hungry." I told him before I took a sip of my juice.

"No, you're good. It was just funny.. where did yall fly from?" he asked me.

"Chicago." I told him as I looked at him. I didn't notice how cute he was before. He had the smoothest caramel skin with the prettiest brown eyes ever. He had small black curls on top of his head and a big, bright smile that made me smile. He laughed when I did.

"I'm sorry for staring. I just didn't really look at you before." I told him as I blushed. I was so embarrassing today.

"No, it's okay ma. I was thinking the same about you.. you're cute." he told me.

"Thanks." I told him before sipping my juice again.

"You know we're having like a back to school party right before classes start. You wanna come?" he asked me.

"Yeah, it sounds fun." I said.

"Aight well give me your number so I can text you the info." he said, handing me his phone. It was already unlocked and ready for me to put my number in. I saved my number under my name and handed him his phone back.

"Bria you ready?" Alicia asked me.

"Uh, yeah. I'll just take this with me." I said as I closed my burrito bowl back up and put it in the bag. I grabbed the bag and my juice before standing up with everybody else. We walked out of the restaurant and walked back in the direction of the dorms.

"So what made y'all come all the way out here to go to school?" James asked me as we walked next to each other. Alicia and Mike were ahead of us all coupled up.

"I just said if I could go anywhere and live there for four years for free then it'd be Cali." I told him.

"Woah, free? How'd you manage that?" he asked me, looking surprised. I laughed a little.

"I was valedictorian so I got a good scholarship that paid for everything." I told him.

"Wow. That's amazing. You don't meet too many girls that's smart like that." he said.

"Thanks.. I really don't think I'm much smarter than anyone though. All I did was listen and do the work."

"And that alone makes you smarter than a lot of people. Trust me." he told me. I gave him a small smile.

We stopped walking when we reached our dorm.

"It was nice meeting y'all. Don't be strangers." Mike told us as we walked up to our building. They stood there and waited until we went in then they left to go to their dorm I guess. We went back to our room and I instantly sat on my bed that I realized I didn't even make up yet.

"So what do you think about Mike?" Alicia asked me. She couldn't even let me relax first before she started asking questions.

"He seems cool." I told her.

"Was he cute to you?" she asked.

"Yeah, he was cute. Why, do you like him?"

"I might. We kept flirting with each other and he gave me his number. He said they're having a party soon." Alicia said.

"Yeah, James told me. I gave him my number too." I told her.

"Oooh, look at you. You haven't had a boyfriend since freshman year of high school."

"And I don't have one now. I don't even know him so shut up and unpack." I told Alicia as I grabbed my suitcase and unzipped it. She didn't respond, she just got her suitcase so she could unpack too. We might as well start now because it'll take us all day with all the clothes we brought.

"I know, I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt to give a guy a chance for once. Even if it's not him. Just find a guy that likes you and consider liking him back.You won't regret it." Alicia told me as she began unpacking her clothes. The room fell silent between us but her words were still playing in my head.

Maybe I should take her advice for once and let myself fall for a guy. It might not turn out to be James but I'm sure whoever it will be isn't too far. I'm not going to start stressing over it though. He'll find me. Until then, I'm just going to enjoy this experience.

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