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"Thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it." I told the officer that helped me file a restraining order against James. I had to text Alicia to ask her to get his full name and other information from Mike in order to do it and now I have to explain to her later why I needed it, but I was finally done with the process. I was happy that Justin suggested this. I didn't express it to him but since he told me what happened, it's really been on my mind. I really felt weird and unsafe, like he could try it again at any moment. Hopefully this will help ease my mind.

"I'm glad I could help. Have a nice day." he told me. I smiled and both me and Justin got up from our seats to leave.

We were out of the office and halfway to the door of the police department when the officer called out to us, making us turn around. He jogged to catch up to us.

"What'd you say your name was, again?" he asked Justin.

"Uh, Justin.. Justin Bieber." he told him. The officer sighed and turned Justin around.

"I'm sorry kid, but I have to arrest you for assault." he said. I watched in shock as the officer read him his rights and put handcuffs on him. Justin was facing me as he did it.

"What? Assault on who?!" I yelled at the officer.

"The same guy you just filed a restraining order against. Look, miss, after listening to your story, I'm not saying he was wrong but there are charges filed against him and a warrant out for his arrest. I'll let you talk for a minute but then he has to go in the back. I have to do this, I'm sorry." the officer told me. I nodded my head then looked at Justin as he stood in front of me. He didn't look scared or nervous, he just looked worried. I had a feeling that it wasn't just himself he was worrying about, though.

"Bria, take my house keys out of my pocket. Go back to my place and don't worry about me, okay?" he told me. I nodded my head and did as I was told. Once I had his keys I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss on the lips because I didn't know when I would see him again.

The officer started pulling him back and I gave him a small smile before he had to fully turn around to go to the holding cells. Once he was out of my sight, I left the building and found the closest bus stop that was going in the direction I needed to go.

I took out my phone and called Alicia as I waited. My mind was thinking about a million things at once and I needed someone to talk to. I needed someone to tell me everything was going to be okay even if they didn't know themselves. I just needed to calm down.

"Hello?" Alicia spoke into the phone.

"Alicia! I know this is going to sound crazy and weird but Justin is in jail and I really don't know what to do right now. I can't just let him sit in there." I told her.

"Wait, hold on. Why is Justin in jail?" she asked me.

"He got into a fight with James and he pressed charges." I told her.

"I'm still confused. What was this fight about? When did this even happen?" Alicia asked me. I sighed and tried to calm down so I could explain the entire situation.

"At the party, I got drunk and James tried to rape me. Justin heard me screaming so he came in the room and pulled him off me then he hit him and they started fighting." I told her the same story Justin told me, only with less detail.

"What?! I will kill him!" Alicia screamed, making me turn the volume on my phone down. I heard a bunch of shuffling so I guess she was moving around. I decided to stay quiet until she got settled again.

"Bria, I am so sorry this happened to you. I should've been there with you. Remind me to buy Justin a camera or something when he gets out. He deserves it." she said into the phone. I could still hear the anger in her voice and that she was moving around.

"If he gets out. What am I gonna do? He can't get locked up for defending me, I'll never feel right about that." I told her.

"Oh, he's going to get out. Where are you now?" Alicia asked me.

"I'm at the bus stop in front of the police station." I told her. There was a long moment of silence after that. I looked at my phone and the call was still connected, so I guess she was just thinking about what she was going to tell me.

"Okay. Bria you need to just calm down, okay? Don't stress over it. Just go home and take a nap or something, get your mind off it." she told me.

"And what about Justin? I'm just supposed to let him sit there?" I asked her.

"That's all you can do right now."

"Okay. I'll call you back." I said into the phone. I hung up before hearing whatever she had to say next.

I knew I wasn't going to go back to Justin's place and just forget about this. He's in jail for defending me so I couldn't do that if I tried. I had to do something to get James to drop the charges.

The bus came and I got on it, paid and sat down in one of the seats. The whole ride back to Justin's house I thought about what I could do. I wasn't going to just let him sit in there so he could go to trial and possibly get time in jail forreal.

By the time I got to Justin's place, I knew what I was going to do. I walked into his house and locked myself in his room before pulling out my phone to call James.

"What's up Bria?" he answered on the second ring. I rolled my eyes at the sound of his voice.

"James, I need you to drop your charges against Justin." I told him, getting straight to the point. There's no need for anything else.

"Now why would I do that?" he asked. I could hear in his voice that he was smiling. It disgusted me. Everything about him did. Why did I ever like him?

"If you don't, I'm just going to have to tell everyone that you tried to rape me then got your ass beat and that's why Justin's in jail." I told him. He hesitated before answering.

"Who's going to believe that? No one even knows who you are."

"A lot of people will, trust me. Just like a lot of people know that you play freshmen girls for sex. It's not too hard to believe when you know that." I told him. He hesitated again, only for a longer period of time. So long that I got frustrated and tired of waiting.

"I don't understand... You did all of this just because I wouldn't let you tell me a bunch of lies explaining why you're not the bitch that you really are?" I asked him.

"I mean was one more girl really that important? You could've just left me alone like I wanted! Then none of this would be happening." I said. The more I thought about the situation, the angrier I got. I've never been in a situation like this at all.

"Are you done? Because you're little boyfriend ain't getting out any time soon." he said.

"Fine. Guess you're going to be known around campus as a rapist then. Can't you get kicked out of school for that?" I asked him.

"Yeah, if you have proof, which you don't."

"I have plenty of scars from you. I'm sure that will be enough for people to believe me." I said. I was lying, since the only 'scar' that I have from him is that hickey, but he didn't know that.

"Like I said you're little boyfriend ain't getting out so get used to being lonely." he said before hanging up. I put my phone on the bed next to me and kicked my shoes off before laying down on my side. I grabbed one of Justin's pillows and hugged it close to my body, taking in the scent that he left on it.

I was all out of options now. I didn't have another plan. Now the only choice I have is to wait. I had to wait and see if James will drop the charges, which I doubt. I had to wait and see if Justin would have to actually go to jail. All I could do was wait. I felt helpless and alone. I was so worried that tears started streaming down my face and dropping onto the bed. I really hope Justin isn't stressing like I am.

It's crazy how everything can switch so fast. We just became a couple yesterday and he's in a holding cell today. It was so unexpected and it honestly felt unreal right now. All I can do is hope for a miracle because that's the only way this will be over.

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