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"Ladies and gentleman, I present to you Southside High Schools' class of 2014!" my former principal, Mrs. Langly said, causing most of my classmates to toss their caps up with smiles on their faces. I chose to keep mine on though. I didn't want to lose it.

I stood there with a huge smile on my face as I watched my former classmates celebrate our success. We finally graduated high school! This part of our lives was over and a new part was beginning. It seems kind of scary but I was so ready for it.

I made my way through the crowd and off the football field towards the parking lot where I told my family I would meet them. When I found them, they all had bright smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations baby! I'm so proud of you." my dad told me as he gave me a hug.

"Thanks dad." I told him.

"Valedictorian! Out of how many students?! I'm so proud of you honey." My mom said, giving me the biggest hug ever.

"Just a couple thousand. It's no big deal." I said, jokingly. My mom and dad laughed.

"Congrats sis, I'm proud of you." My older brother, Brian, told me. I smiled at him.

"Well let's get in the car so we can go home and celebrate." my mom said, dancing her way to the car. My dad did the same with her and I just shook my head and got in the car with them and my brother.

Once we got home, I went up into my room to find balloons and gifts on my bed. I smiled as I sat on my bed to open them.

I got a pair of new designer heels I've been wanting for months and in a card was $1,000 plus a visa gift card so I could shop wherever I wanted. I was so happy. My family truly spoils me and I wouldn't want it any other way.

When I was done opening my presents, someone had came into my room. I looked up and realized it was my brother.

"You should really knock before you come in my room. I could've been naked." I told him.

"Shut up. I heard you opening your gifts so I knew you weren't. Anyways, what's the move for tonight?" he asked me.

"There's this party up north that me and my friends are going to meet up at. You going?" I asked him. He was only a year older than me so we went to almost every party together. It's better that way for me because he has a car so I always have a ride and I never have to worry about getting stranded somewhere.

"Yeah, I'll check it out. I'm leaving now so hurry up." he said as he walked out of my room and closed the door. I got up and went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I wanted to wear my new shoes so I picked a black crop top with gold design on the front and some black, leather shorts. This outfit would go perfectly with my black and gold heels.

I slipped out of my white maxi dress and into my outfit before slipping on my shoes and grabbing my little clutch I carried at graduation today. I went over to my dresser and put some lip gloss, eyeliner and mascara on since I didn't have time to do a full face of make-up. I didn't really feel like doing all of that anyway.

After I was ready, I went outside where I knew my brother was waiting. We both got into the car and headed across the city to the party.

After about thirty minutes of driving, we arrived at this nice sized house in this pretty neighborhood. There were people all outside of the house and you could hear the music from down the block. It was bigger than any party we've ever been to.

"Damn, who's throwing a party this big with no complaints?" Brian asked me. I shrugged as I looked out the window at the party.

"I don't know, some boy from Greenville High." I told him because that's all the information I had on this party other than the address.

We both got out of the car and went our seperate ways into the party like we always did. We'd meet back up by the car later. Right now I just wanted to find my friends. I walked around until I spotted the redhead that I was looking for.

"Alicia!" I said as I tapped her. She turned around and hugged me.

"Yay! You made it!" she yelled over the music once she let me go. She moved over to reveal our other friends Ashley, Daniella and Michelle.

"Now we can really party! I'm about to grab me one of these fine boys and dance." Daniella said before walking off. Just as she did, my favorite song came on. I started to rock back and forth as I bobbed my head to the music, singing along. I really got into the song and started moving my hips a little bit. Pretty soon, I felt someone's hands on my waist and a body pressed against me. I moved my hips against his lower half and he moved his right along with me. I've never had a guy do that before. It's like our bodies became one as we danced to the beat together, it was crazy but I loved it. This happened until the song was over. After that I no longer felt his body against mine or his hands on my waist.

A new song with a faster beat came on, which made the whole party turn up. The boys were bouncing around and the girls were twerking on everything and everyone.

"This goes out to the class of 2014! Turn up, turn up, turn up!" some boy said over the dj's mic. He was average height with light skin and both arms nearly covered in tattoos. He wore a white shirt with light jeans. A blue snapbavk was bavkwards on his head and a gold chain was around his neck. I was trying to look a little harder to see his face but I stopped when one of my favorite songs came on.

"Ayyeee!" I yelled out as I bent over and started twerking to the music. I felt someone press against my butt so I looked behind me to see it was the same boy who was just on the mic. I could see his face better now and realized he wasn't light skin, he was white. I wasn't expecting that but then again Greenville had all types of students. I kept dancing on him and he still had the mic in his hand as he watched me do it.

"Yoooo! Turn up, turn up!" he said into the mic, causing us to get even more attention than we already were. It just made me twerk even harder on him.

"Get it Bria!" I heard some of my friends say. It pumped me up even more so I danced even harder on him as the song ended.

"Man this is crazy. I wanna thank y'all for coming to my party. It ain't over yet so keep turning up." the boy said into the mic as he walked back to the dj stand. He handed it back to the dj once he was done.

"I'm going to get some air." I told my friends. I walked around the house until I found a side door that led to the pool where more people were. I swear this was a true house party. The best one I've ever been to. It had the best variety of music, hella space, and I still cant believe he has an actual dj instead of just a cd playing like all the other parties i've been to.

I sat in one of the lawn chairs that was the farthest away from the pool. I didn't want to be around anybody just in case they thought it was funny to throw people in the pool.

I sat there and cooled off for a minute until I saw this boy walking towards me. I looked harder and noticed it was the same boy I was just dancing on. He sat in a lawn chair close by and faced me.

"There you are." he said. I gave him a confused look.

"You say that like you were looking for me." I said to him.

"I was." he told me. It just made me give him the same confused look.

"Why?" I asked him. He laughed but I don't know why.

"I wanted to talk to you." he said.

"Try talking to me when I wasn't just rubbing my butt all over you." I told him.

"That's not even close to why I want to talk to you though." he told me.

"Then why do you?" I asked him.

"I just want to get to know you." he told me.

"Thanks but no. Nice party though." I said as I got up. I walked back into the house so I could get back to partying and having fun.

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