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Years Later

"TREVOR!!! DID YOU FINISH MY PICKLES!?" Stella yelled from downstairs. Her voice rang out through the house waking everyone up. Travis yawned as he rubbed his eyes. Waking up the the beautiful yelling of his kids. "NO I DIDN'T!!" Travor yelled from the room by Sal and Travis. "I KNOW YOU DID AND I WILL SERIOUSLY BEAT YOUR ASS!!" Stella yelled. They heard Trevor go downstairs which alarmed the two. The two fathers decided to rush downstairs to stop the commotion.

Stella had a short temper so this was kind of usual for the family. "Can you two not fight on Trevor's birthday?" Sal asked groggily. The two fathers walked into the kitchen seeing Trevor and Stella arguing. Stella their pickle loving daughter was a short buzzed haired girl, with many ear pirecings, and looked so much like Travis. They were lucky that the lady that gave birth to Stella (I forgot what they're called sorry!) didn't have strong genes. She was wearing a black shirt and grey shorts the messy hair showed that she had also just woken up. She held the jar of pickles and yelled at Trevor which looked a lot like Sal. He had long electric blue hair that went down his back. He was tall and very muscular. His pale skin complemented his bright blue eyes. He was wearing boxers and shouting back at Stella telling her that he didn't eat her pickles.

Travis sighed and put his face in his hands. Sal looked at him and smiled. Travis had even longer hair which reached to his bottom and now his hair didn't even have a hint of blonde it was all a dark chocolate brown. He was still very tall and muscular and had more tattoos and pirecings. Even though raising teens was hard Sal was willing to do it with Travis.

Travis uncovered his face and said "Hey, both of you stop arguing! I had the last pickle. I will get you some more later today.". Stella sighed and nodded. "Sorry, Trevor." Stella mumbled and Trevor just nodded.

"Ok you two go get ready for the day! Remember everyone will be here at three!" Sal said to the teens and they both went to their rooms. Stella was still pretty upset.

Travis had left to get pickles and Sal was now getting ready for the day and thinking about how far he and Travis had gone.

There had been issues in their relationship when they started dating because they both had issues with their past. Sal getting mauled by a bear and Travis with family problems. In the end things worked out and by the time they were twenty six they had gold bands on their fingers.

Sal sighed happily as he looked in the mirror. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a band shirt. He had a few tattoos here and there, but not to many. He kept his hair at his shoulders because he figured it would be a hassle to keep it any longer then that. Sal was happy and that's all that matters. He and Travis were definitely made for eachother and that is that.

It was now three, friends and family rolled in for their son's fourteenth birthday.

"Oh, hey Daffy!" Sal said as he opened up the door for Daffy and his daughter Drelina. Daffy had kept his mowhawk and let it grow while also dyeing it many colors. Right now it was a bright blue a lot like Sal's natural hair color. His daughter had mixed skin and box braids in her hair. Even though she looked a lot like her mother she acted like her father. "Hey what's up Sal!" Daffy said as he waked in. "Hey, uncle Sally!" Drelina said excitedly.

The door opened and everyone looked to see it was Larry and Cassie. "I decided to give her a ride because her boyfriend had her car." Larry said annoyed amd rolled his dark eyes. Cassie giggled. Once Travis and Sal had legally adopted her when they turned 19 Larry became like another brother to her and very overprotective. Especially when it came to dating. "Hey uncle Larry and auntie Cassie!" Trevor said while stuffing his face with chips. "Hey Trevor!" Larry said.

Not to much later Ashley and Beth walked in with their son Derek. Derek was adopted yet he looked exactly like Ash except he had blue eyes. He was the perfect son for the two lesbians. "Hey Stella and Trevor!" Derek called out excitedly. Trevor chuckled and rolled his eyes and Stella walked over and gave him a hug. Trevor was a bit suspicious by this because he knew that Derek had feelings for Stella, but decided not to say anything. "Hey Derek! I'm glad you could make it!" Stella said happily. Derek couldn't help the grin that spread to his face.

Londra and Diane knocked on the door and Sal answered. "Hey Diane and Londra!" Sal greeted them. "Hello, Sal." Londra greeted and Diane pulled him in for a hug. They still looked pretty young just some wrinkles showing that they lived life to its fullest. "Oh, hey grandma and nana!" Stella and Trevor said before hugging the two elderly ladies. "Hey you two!" Diane said happily hugging her grandchildren.

Not long after we left off Londra and Diane adopted Travis and stopped doing foster care. They knew that Travis was the perfect son for them and they didn't have to keep looking.

Sal looked at his phone and a sad expression was underneath his prosthetic. "I guess Chug, Maple, and Soda won't be here for another hour, so we will have to start without them." Sal said. "It's fine, we will see them later anyways." Travis said comforting him with a sweet smile to go with it. Larry pretend gagged causing everyone, but the kids to laugh because the kids were playing Mario Kart in the living room.

Donomic had moved away a year ago with his wife, so he wasnt going to be there even though he wished he could. Todd and Neil are on a vacation to celebrate their anniversary. The week before they came over and spoiled Trevor rotten with gifts, so there was nothing to worry about.


Trevor and Derek had been playing Mario Kart and Trevor had defined gotten his skills from Travis because he was beating Trevor by a mile-shot. Mostly Derek was only playing to impress Stella, but that wasn't working out very well. The match ended and Trevor beat Derek as expected. "Yes! I won!" Trevor got up and cheered out of joy. "Yeah, whatever jackass." Derek mumbled out of annoyance. "Everyone! The cake is done." Their uncle Larry called out to the kids. "Coming!" Everyone shouted out before going to the kitchen. Soda was already at the kitchen waiting for everyone else.

All the teens sat down. Travis lit the candles while Sal started recording on his phone. Everyone sang happy birthday to Trevor. It wasn't perfect like a choir, but it was perfect because it showed their strong bond and love. Trevor blew out the candles and everyone clapped. Travis cut up the cake and gave the first slice to Trevor. "Happy Birthday, my brave boy." Travis said.

Everyone was eating their cake and talking about good times. Travis layed his arm over Sal's shoulders and kissed the side of his temple. Travis was thinking about his two beautiful children. Stella, their older daughter. A hothead, but a beautiful young girl that acted a lot like Sal when she wasn't angry. Trevor, a calm well put together boy that loves his friends and family and acted a lot like Travis. Sal smiled under his prosthetic and squeezed Travis' hand not hard enough to hurt though.

They were happy and they didn't want to change a thing.

Well, that's it! Thank you all so much for reading. Have an amazingly beautiful day/night. Love you all. <3

-Bri <33

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