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Regulus stays in my bed the day Arlo died.
He couldn't bare to be alone, he couldn't bare the weight of the guilt that had been tearing away at him since he left that cave.
So I let him stay, I give him pyjamas to wear and make sure he's comfortable and okay as he can be in his situation.
In the morning I wake him gently.
"Would you like to come down for breakfast, love?" I ask.
He rubs his eyes and slowly nods which takes me by surprise, but I keep my surprise to myself because I know better than to make a big deal out of things lest I scare him back into his shell.
"Okay, we should get dressed then" I say before placing a small kiss in the middle of the back of his neck. He groans but sits up nonetheless.
We get dressed in a comfortable silence before we walk down to meet the rest in the Gryffindor Common Room.
"But why do you need to go?" I hear Sirius ask
"You know I can't tell you that" Remus replies
"I just don't see why you need to be gone two whole weeks, that'll impact your education, does Dumbledore care about that? What sort of mission requires a student to miss two weeks of school?" Asks Sirius
"Baby, you're asking questions I'm not allowed to answer, I'll be back after the two weeks and I'll be fine" Remus replies
"But that falls on...the end of the month" Sirius says
"I know when it falls" Remus replies
"No. Remus, tell me you're not going...underground" Sirius says
Remus says nothing.
"Oh absolutely not"
"Sirius, I'm doing my bit for the war effort"
"You have a great many skills that can be used for the war effort that's fucking ridiculous I won't stand for it"
"Yes you will or you jeopardize the entire missions operation"
Sirius crosses his arms but stays put nonetheless
"What's wrong with Remus' mission?" Asks Regulus
"I think Sirius has separation anxiety" I reply. It's not entirely a lie, Sirius cannot stand being apart from Remus it's like his greatest torture.
"Trouble in paradise?" I ask, alerting Remus and Sirius of mine and Regulus' presence.
Sirius flashes me a scowl "Don't get smart with me, Potter" Sirius chastises me
"Awe, pads, you think I'm smart" I reply with a grin
"For fucks sake, Prongs, you always have a rebuttal" Sirius exclaims, trying so hard to sound exasperated, but failing with his grin that spreads across his face
"Is that not why you love me?" I ask
"I do love you" Sirius replies
"Get a room" Regulus comments
"Don't tempt me, Reggie" Sirius replies with a wink. Regulus rolls his eyes but there's a flicker of a smile there.
We head down to the Great Hall and sit for breakfast. I grab some scrambled egg, bacon and toast, Remus has his usual: a slice of toast cut into four triangles, one triangle spread with butter, one with jam, one with peanut butter and one with chocolate, a breakfast we have lovingly dubbed as "Moony Toast". Sirius gets the same as me, but Regulus grabs a slice of toast, butters it, places down the bacon on the toast, then some sausages which he slices in half down the middle, two hash browns and a sprinkling of scrambled egg before buttering another slice of toast, placing it on top and cutting his breakfast sandwich in half.
All of us observe the process, none of us comment on it, all of us are secretly wishing we had the same idea because the sandwich looks borderline fuckable, or maybe I just think that because Regulus is the one holding it, and Regulus is one hundred percent fuckable...just not now while he's grieving and shit, I have to time these things better really.
"There's an Order meeting today" I announce
"Yes, we got the note" Sirius replies
"Guess who's leading it?" I ask excitedly
"Dumbledore? As usual?" Asks Remus
"Nope" I reply with a grin
"Fuck off, is it you, Prongs?" Asks Sirius
I grin widely "You bet it is" I reply
"How the fuck did you manage that?" Asks Remus
"You'll find out when we get there" I reply ominously, unable to wipe the grin off of my face.
Regulus says nothing.
I get why he doesn't, but it's still sad to see.
I just want him to be happy is all, I hate when he's upset, it makes my heart ache. I just love him so much, it's like he's a part of me.
The Order Meeting comes around quicker than expected and I suddenly find myself quite nervous. I have never actually helped Professor Flitwick lead a meeting before, I often just help him come up with the structure of the meeting, what we should cover and how long we should cover it.
However, in our last session whilst going over the structure for the next Order Meeting, Professor Flitwick suggested I take over the Meetings and he helps out, he said it's only fair considering I plan most of the Meetings anyway, so I said yes. Bow, here I am, en route to the Room of Requirement, sweating balls because I have to stand in front of an ever growing population of witches and wizards who know me and explain spells to them.
I'm terrified.
I'm excited.
I'm terrified and excited.
We get into the Room of Requirement and Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily and Regulus all stand with the rest of the Order Members whilst I stand off to the side with Professor Flitwick.
"Good Evening, everyone" Professor Dumbledore begins, silencing the chatter that had begun to grow amongst the members. "I must thank you all for your consistent attendance as well as your ever growing presence. The Order is flourishing and now it seems we truly have a real fighting chance in this war" Dumbledore continues, this earns a small smattering of claps that die out in seconds but he smiles curtly nonetheless.
"I must now hand over to Mr James Potter" Dumbledore announces.
This earns cheers, whoops and claps from Sirius, Remus, Peter and Lily which makes me blush and grin as I walk to the front of the room, facing everybody, feeling my heart speed at a hundred miles per second.
"Hello, everyone, er, Professor Flitwick asked if I wanted to take over the session today considering I planned it so I thought I may as well give it a go. Now, before I tell you the spell we will be covering, I think it is imperative that I preface that we will be learning offensive spells, we need to be able to use offensive spells because it would be foolish for us to believe we can win purely on defence. No one wins purely on defence. No one is asking you to use unforgivables, and no one is condoning that outside of a life or death situation, however, there are still a great deal of offensive spells that we can use that will do enough damage to hinder the opponents and allow us to succeed in more battles which will hopefully gain us an upper foot in this war. So, the first offensive spell we'll cover in this session is the fiendfyre curse" I explain
No one protests.
No one disagrees with me.
They all watch me and they listen.
Part of me feels validated for this, I feel seen, I feel heard, I feel happy, proud even. I feel like I'm doing something worth while and it puts a smile on my face.
Having everyone's engagement puts a confidence in me that sends me into the flow of things which makes my leadership easier than it was when I first walked to the front of the room. So, as I feel my heart rate slow from panic to resting, I continue on with my lesson.
"Now, many of you in this room are far more skilled than I and you may be aware that the incantation for this spell is 'Pestis Incendium' However, first I wish you all to practice this incantation without your wands to familiarise yourself with the words" I order.
Again, no one protests, they listen and they do as instructed.
The room fills with several voices repeating the words "Pestis Incendium" until I gain the room's attention once more to continue on with my lesson.
"Excellent! Okay, so, next, without the incantation we're going to practice the wand movement. It's easier to separate the two and familiarise yourself with both before pairing them together and trying the whole thing, especially with a curse as dangerous as this one. Now, for this spell you will need your wand arm outstretched but your wrist relaxed, you then want to flick your wrist up, then down, then turn it clockwise, state the incantation and flick your wrist up once again, except for now do not say the incantation, it will not end well for anyone involved" I explain
Everyone seems to follow along well as they all pull out their wands and silently begin to practice the movements I both showed and explained.
Professor Flitwick and I walk around the room, observing every person and assisting those who weren't getting it quite right.
After almost ten minutes I return to the front of the room and face the crowd as I begin the next section of my lesson.
"Alright, perfect! The next part is bringing everything together. This lesson has a bit of a different set up, so give me a moment" I preface.
I ask for everyone to step back and to the side, which they do, before I use my wand in the way I had practiced with Flitwick before in order for me to conjure up a line of target dummies, all separated by fire-proof block dividers.
"I would like you all to get into mixed ability groups with each group lining up by a dummy and taking turns trying to conjure fiendfyre using both the incantation and wand movement we've just been over. Professor Flitwick and I will be coming over to eacb group and assisting those who need it but remember, this is just a practice, no one is going to be perfect and that's okay, mistakes will happen and that's good because that's what we learn from. No one needs to be worried about how well they do here, it's all practice" I continue before allowing everyone to get into groups.
"James, my boy, you were excellent! You're a natural!" Professor Flitwick praises, clapping me on the back as he tells me how proud of me he is and how astounded he is that my first lesson has gone so well.
I thank him and begin to walk around the groups and check on how people are grasping my instructions.
Half way through everyone's practicing, I notice Regulus stood in the corner.
"What's up, love?" I ask
"I just don't feel like joining in" Regulus replies
"You don't have to stay, baby, you can go back to my dorm if that's where you'd rather be" I assure him
"I just want to be here with you" Regulus confesses in a small voice, as though it were a dark secret he's never told anyone. Maybe it is a secret, but I prefer to think I'm not a secret for him anymore, I prefer to think that we're past that stage.
"You can do whatever makes you feel most comfortable" I say
He hugs me and rests his head on my chest, not caring that we're in a room full of people, and my hand instinctively begins to stroke his hair.
"You were brilliant you know" Regulus says.
The words are like music to my ears.
I didn't even realise I was waiting for Regulus' approval until he gave it to me, and now I have it I feel like I'm soaring, like I'm the happiest man in the world.
"Thank you" I reply, smiling as I place a kiss on the top of his head.

Hello there my lovelies!!

Less angsty chapter???? maybe???? it's kinda angst kinda not.
Okay so first off Reggie getting out of bed despite his grief, he is an icon and he is the moment.
Also yes, Remus' mission is to spend a full moon with the werewolves to try and recruit him as I'm sure we knew it would be...
James being a teacher!!! King behaviour tbh. Also there is a nod to PoA there with him asking everyone to practice the spell without wands first in the same way Remus asked everyone to do when teaching them the Ridikulus spell. I just like to think that was another thing he got from James.
James being kind loving and understanding to Reg because he loves him so much!!! I'm gonna cry they're so in love!!!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day my loves!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

StarChaser// Jegulus||✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant