49: Craze

384 38 3

Author note:

What is orexin receptor antagonist?

*orexin receptor antagonist is a chemicals that are involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and play a role in keeping people awake.*

Some of the Side effects are:

- somnolence (drowsiness),
fatigue, headache,

- sleep paralysis (temporary inability to move or speak, which typically occurs while falling asleep or upon waking up),

- nightmares or abnormal dreams,

- hypnagogic hallucinations,

- Psychomotor hyperactivity (restlessness with unintentional physical movements)

- Tachycardia (rapid heartbeats).

- This pills can also cause slight slur in your speech, abnormal thinking or behavioral changes, and exhaustion.


I place my cellphone on the table, sighing as I raise my eyes to watari. I tried ignoring him, but he's been breathing down on my neck since morning.

Taking a sip of my refreshing juice, I dig my fork into the slice of strawberry and bring it to my mouth whilst regarding him.

"Do you have something to say?" he steels his spine, looking caught unprepared. "If you want to say something then say it, I'm listening."

After a beat, he inclines his head.

"I'm not in the position to say this.."

Setting my fork down, I lean into my chair and give him my all attention.

"Is something bothering you?"

"Ah, well, I wanted to say that it's the third night." his throat moves as he gulps nervously. "And while he usually stays awake longer, it's best if he doesn't—if he gets the rest."

I stare at him blankly, waiting for the catch.

"Do you understand, Mrs jeon?"

Rubbing my eyes, I suck in a breath. It's been only one hour I've woken up, but I'm still feeling tired.

"I'm sorry. Can you be more blunt?"

He release a heavy sigh, wringing his wrinkled hands together.

"I'm concerned about him." I figured that much. Watari really cares about jungkook, and I have no doubt about that. "I don't know if you realize but he takes certain... Certain pills to help stay up."

Again I figured that out a while ago. No human can go without sleeping unceasingly for days.

"What are you trying to say?" I ask.

"I, uh, tried my best but he wouldn't listen to my advises, and as you see he... Cares about your wishes..."

I nod. Although I don't agree with 'cares about my wishes'

"Is there any reason why you don't want him to take those pills?" from what jungkook told me, those pills helps him to rein in his high energy unless..

Unless he lied to me.

A sad look touches watari eyes. He hasn't met my eyes for the whole time.

"for one there's always side effects that costs too much.. And He's struggling—" he clamps his mouth, pausing before adding. "It's not healthy for him."

SALVATION | Yandere - J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now