Chapter 81- Lock

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Warning: bit of spice but no smut.


You were snuggled up next to alastor in bed with your head on his chest listening to his heart beat. Nifty's quiet tiptoes echoed around the house, she was hunting for all sorts of creepy creatures in the night. You tried show her to her new room but she was bursting with energy, so you just let her roam and explore around the house.

"Are you sure we should keep her here? It won't be just us anymore." You mumbled, still skeptical about this whole situation.

"I think she can be rather helpful, she looks after the house while we are gone and cleans up! She's not afraid of blood either and is quite the killer, it's perfect! Plus, where else could she go? I know that it might take a while to adjust to her company but I think that we should give it a go." As he spoke his hands combed through your hair and his touch made you feel all tingly.

"That tickles!" You giggled and Alastor raised his hand off you.

A mischievous idea popped into your head and you dug your hand into his side trying to tickle him, he gently kicked you over and you thumped onto the bed.

"Don't do that." He moved on-top of you, pinning you down.

"Are you immune to tickles or something?" You rolled your eyes but your heart rate fastened at the position you were in. He glanced down at you through half-lidded eyes.

"You seem nervous, mon amour~" He smoothly whispered in your ear, biting it softly. You felt heat rise to your face and your bodies were pressed together.

"Are you okay?" He asked, knowing what happened last time he tried to get in intimate with you in bed.

Awh, I love him so much.

"He's gone and so is my fear of him, I know I have you and that's all I want right now."

"What do you want me to do to you, mon amour~" His hands trailed down your chest, un-doing a few buttons. He kissed your skin softly as he descended down your body.



You both quickly moved out of your previous position and you hastily buttoned up your night shirt. Alastor's face was bright red, he scrambled out of bed lifting a dressing gown onto him to hide his very obvious erection, you snickered at his flustered panic.

I have never seen him this embarrassed it's hilarious!

"Hello, Nifty." He sighed, creaking open the door, looking down at her.

"I was just wondering where you keep all your cleaning supplies!" She spoke so fast that it was barely possible to understand.

"There's a whole thing full of cleaning stuff...uhhh...I think..." He stuttered, trying to concentrate. His mind was all foggy and still filled with sensual thoughts. You couldn't help but let out another laugh and his eyes narrowed at you.

You decided to help him out while Nifty stood there confused. "There's a cupboard under the stairs full of cleaning supplies!" You told Nifty and she scurried off.

"We need a lock." Alastor sighed, clicking his fingers, a green smoke puff appeared at the top of the door and quickly cleared, there was now a small latch on the bedroom door which slammed shut.

"You really got to show me what else you can do with your voodoo magic power thingy, maybe you could teach me a few things?"

"I can teach you about the history and my ancestors but I use dark voodoo and blood Magic, I wouldn't want you to get involved in such things. It's too dangerous." He explained, but there was a stern undertone to his words.

Frozen hearts (human alastor x reader) COMPLETE!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora