cute neighbor [Katelena]

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A/N: i haven't written a long oneshot in awhile, 14k word banger. Think of it as a gift for 7k votes on this silly little book.

Thank you guys and enjoy!



Yelena watched in surprise, albeit she didn't show it on her face, as the woman struggled for a second to open her door before doing so successfully. Before she steps foot into her place, the blue-eyed woman turns to meet her eyes and sends her a little smile.

"Have a good day neighbor!"

or 4 times Yelena runs into Kate Bishop and 1 time she decides to stop running. OR Yelena decides to move into her own apartment after defeating the Red Room with her sister. It's there where she runs into her neighbor, Kate Bishop.


i. Groceries

The smell of bacon filled the apartment as the sizzling was heard over the record player playing Don McLean's American Pie in the background. Hips swaying and a voice humming along to the song as the woman moved her breakfast from the hot skillet to a plate. Turning off the fire from the stove, she headed over to her empty mug and refilled it with the brand new coffee machine Sonya had gifted her as a housewarming gift.

Speaking of gifts, she placed the hot skillet that was part of a new cookware set Ana had gifted her, to the back of her stove to cool down while she waited patiently for her coffee. Wearing her cooking apron her sister had jokingly gotten for her that says 'Cooking with Yelena' after referring to herself in third person when cooking up a meal for her старшая сестра (older sister) who doesn't know how to cook without setting the kitchen in fire, the saying has become an inside joke between the two.

The sound of nails hitting the floor tiles repeatedly along with the faint jingle of a collar was heard before she felt a cold nose rubbing against her calf. Reaching down, she gently ran her fingers through the akita's fur before resting her elbow against the counter and smiled down at the dog.

"Did you finish your breakfast before your mama, Fanny?" Yelena cooed as Fanny licked her hand in response. Glancing at Fanny's bowls, she confirmed her suspicions and mentally moved today's agenda around so that she can go to the grocery store before heading to IKEA to buy a new couch.

After finding out what this 'IKEA' place was after her sister had absentmindedly mentioned it after telling her she had finally found an apartment in New York, she was hooked. The furniture they had was sooo cool and Yelena couldn't wait to assemble so many things she had bought for her place already. The table for her record player was first on the assembling list so that she didn't have to keep it laying on the floor for any longer.

After defeating the Red Room with Natasha, she didn't know what to do with herself. She wasn't familiar with...

Oh right, this freedom.

She was lost for a while, only having one goal on her mind; going on missions with Sonya to free the rest of the Widows. They'd be sent directly to the farmhouse to help them adjust to the start of their new lives. Eventually, the more widows that were saved, the more they saved since most of the widows wanted to help before starting their new lives. Five years later, all the widows were free and transitioned into their new lives including Yelena who had the toughest time figuring out what she wanted to do. She spent a lot of her time staying at Natasha's new place in New York, staying temporarily with her, and doing things she's never experienced.

That included cooking.

Cooking was fascinating to Yelena and her love for it grew when Natasha introduced her sister to the Food Network channel and later found her in the kitchen cooking different meals at once. Natasha loved it because she got to be with her sister and ate like a queen for the rest of Yelena's stay.

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