Chapter 82- Gift

421 11 59

Warning: Gore


~small time skip~

Your heart was racing with anxiety as you sat in the car, your body felt hot and you were nervously tapping your foot on the car floor.

"What's wrong?" Alastor pulled over, near the cafe.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous to see them, my chest feels so tight and...and-" You stuttered, your breathing was beginning to become shaky and you held your hand to your chest, in effort to calm yourself down.

"I'll be with you, just squeeze my hand when you want to leave. I understand completely, I don't want to see Mimzy anytime soon. You are very brave for doing this..." He spoke softly, holding your hand in his to comfort you.

"...slow down your breathing with me." He gently placed his hand to your chest and you took a long, deep breath.

"Better?" Alastor smiled.

Some stress was lifted off you but it still lingered, you felt like you were being crushed and at any point you would just shatter under the pressure.

~small time skip~

As you approached the cafe, linking arms with Alastor a familiar ring of a bell rung when you entered.

"Sorry, we are closed today!" Mary's Voice called out from behind the counter. As she walked over, she had a very noticeable bump on her belly.

Damn, their honeymoon seemed to be quite eventful...

"I've just come to visit, wanted to see if you needed any help." You spoke, trying to compose yourself.

"Help? William get your ass in here!" Mary yelled and William came hurrying over.

"Why? What's wrong?" He looked down panicky at Mary's baby bump. "Who are you two?" William glanced over at you, his expression was confused and it made you feel uncomfortable again.


You squeezed Alastors hand and he held you closer.

"Oh my! Look at the time, we must be off! Pleasure to meet you two. Congratulations on the unborn human!" He smiled and you both left, his arm was wrapped round your waist and it gave you a little comfort.

Unborn human? What the- that's so weird?

"It was nice seeing them but it hurt, I don't think I could work there. Maybe visit but not go everyday like I used too." You explained and you could tell by his sympathetic expression that he understood.

"The radio station is just round the corner over here...the bittersweet memories of myself walking from the cafe to work are all flooding back." He chuckled. "You were all I could think about, the highlight of my day."

"You were the main reason I got up so early for work." You smiled lovingly up at him. He tightened his grip on your hand and you leaned your head onto him as you strolled down the street.

You were looking through the shop windows as you walked by and all sorts of beautiful clothes and jewelry were on display.

Christmas is approaching...I need a gift for Alastor...

"Could I go shopping for a little, I'll be okay." You asked and he wondered for a moment, raising his hand to his chin.

"How much do you need?" He inquired, grabbing his wallet from his suit pocket.

Frozen hearts (human alastor x reader) COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now