18. we'll be fine

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I helped Beca walk up the stairs and laid her down on the bed in our room. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

She shook her head and avoided looking at me. "I feel really bad. Like, there's a weird feeling in my stomach." Beca said. I bit my lip nervously and took her hand. "Like..when you....?"

"When I what?" She looked puzzled. "You know. Last time."

Beca's mouth opened slightly and she nodded, like it had finally clocked in her mind what I meant. "No, nothing like that. It's weird. It doesn't hurt or anything, it just doesn't feel right."

I was absolutely terrified, but I was trying to stay calm for Beca. "Do you wanna go get it checked out?" I offered.

She shook her head and smiled. "No, I just need a minute. We'll be fine. I just wanna know the genders."

"Okay," I said, squeezing her hand. "If you're sure."


"Okay..3. 2. 1. Go!" I exclaimed. After go, me and Beca both set off our poppers. Her's was blue and mine was pink. I gasped and smiled, and Beca practically flew into my arms. Everyone cheered and congratulated us.

Beca cried into my chest. I felt her tiny frame shaking with each sob. "Aw baby. Are you happy?"

"I can't even explain how happy I am, babe."

I smiled and hugged her tighter. "I can't wait to meet them." I moved one of my hands down to her bump, and the other rested on her shoulder. She looked up at me, smiling and tears glistening in her eyes. "Neither can I. This actually feels so real now."

Charlie bounded over to us and started barking, jumping up at us. I smiled but Beca looked slightly irritated. "Dude, you don't have to get so riled up."

He kept barking though, then tugged at my skirt. "What's up, Charlie?" I asked. He ran off in the direction of the door, so I followed him.

I looked through the window and saw an unfamiliar face, so I opened the door and he stepped inside. "Hey gorgeous." He smiled. I shifted nervously and looked down. "Uh, may I help you, sir?"

"You don't remember me, do you?" His voice sounded vaguely familiar. I looked up at his eyes, and instantly I recognised who it was.

The same guy who assaulted me. I looked at his collarbone and saw the tattoo. And the scar was on his arm too. "Oh. Uh...can you leave, please?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Oh baby, I'm not going anywhere." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Anywhere without you." He smiled. Charlie barked and jumped at him, but he just kicked him out of the way and pulled me out of he front door.

I screamed and Aubrey ran to the door. "Chloe! Get off her, right now!" She yelled. She chased him out the door, closely followed by Emily and Stacie. I cried out in pain as he twisted my arm behind my back and pulled me closer to him. "Tell your little friends that you're just screaming with excitement, and that you want to come with me." He whispered in my ear.

"Or what?" I replied quietly. He bent my arm further and I screamed in pain. "Or I'll kill you. And I'll go back for them."

Emily ran forward and grabbed my free arm quickly. She distracted him long enough to break me free and for us to run. "Chloe! Why are you doing this?!"

I turned back and stared at him. "You assaulted me, why do you think?"

"But I love you. And I know someone who is very close to you."


"Oh sweetie, you don't even recognise your own nephew's birthday?" He asked, pointing to the tattoo. 14/05/15. Arlo's birthday.

"How do you know Arlo?"

"I'm his father's best friend. You could say we're
friends with benefits."

I started to cry. I was terrified of what he would have done if the girls hadn't chased after us. "Oh."

"Yeah. I'll come back, Chloe. Mark my words."

I stayed silent as he ran off down the street. Aubrey ran forward and hugged me. "Aw, Chloe."

Stacie stepped infront of me. "What do you mean, he assaulted you?" She asked. I swallowed nervously and looked away.

"A good few months ago now. I was at a party with only a few people I barely knew. He was there. He followed me to the bathroom, and he..he took advantage of me. And he beat me everytime I refused to do something."

"Surely one of the other partygoers would have heard your screams or something?"

"No. Having sex at a party is normal for most people. So if anyone heard screams or anything then they wouldn't think too much about it."

Stacie shook her head in disbelief. "And he even had the audacity to turn up here. It's disgusting."

Beca finally joined me outside and asked what had happened, so I explained everything. She looked so upset. "I'll be fine. We'll be fine." I muttered. Beca nodded and hugged me.

"We'll be alright."

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