I find buddy

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When woke up, I was hugging my new buddy. Cactus. He spiny, but he nice to talk to. He told me about things he could do for me like making me less hungry, and better remembering, and less hungry too.

I let go of cactus, even though cactus no want let go of me. I feel suck now. World spin as I think as monkey man. Ooh ooh ah ah. I still walking though, because thirsty. Sand stop sanding beneath me. Now sand is black sand, and storm of sand is sandy more?

Voice say name, me. Me is name. Me.

"Harlen... buddy... come here... I have gift."

Harlen buddy got gift. Harlen gift like? Yes. A lot. Walk to voice of harlen buddy. Breathe hard. Very. See... also hard. Much. Hard to look. Hard to suck air because less air more sand means no breathe. If no breathe... I die. Harlen bye bye time. Forever nap.

Me closer voice is I am. Shadow man there. No cactus. Shadow man. Cacstus-less man. I walk up man I do.
"Gift Harlen?! Me Harlen! Me!"

Pokes cactus no man. No cactus there. Man not as well. Stone there. Smooth stoney rock. But touch rock I do, and rock shiny it go. It like "vlooom. Me shiny Harlen."

After rock shiny. More rock shiny of 1 rock go vloooooom later in longness.

Leg hurt. Again again. More hurts. Walky but hurty. Big hurt. Closer me to rock shiny again. Arm hurt. Arm hurt more. Then more again two. Left arm and other left arm hurt. Mor. Bleedy. Ow.

Fase go biig hert. Owie. Blod. Lot blod. Scrachs. Arm scrach. Rok shine closr.

Worl beeg spun. Spunded ovr agan und mor agun too. Rok heer. Hi... hi rook. Ruk no say... hi... herlum. Rok........ rude!

Hate.....rek....cuz.. rude! Rude! Lot Rude! Pu...punk ruk un head. Pow! Owwww! Ruk... suk... haha. Mor othr rak gloeing lot out mor longer distance. Run ta gloe gloe.

Me fulow rok glo mor for lunger... tim... den da... uh... rok i opin sae

"Harlen... the oasis... drink from the oasis... it's divine energy will give you the remedy you need so desperately... then... talk to Avedar... he will speak back... you will know what to do from then on."

Pift... evry1 no... der no wutr en dusrt... das y... dasurt tasty... dry.. tasty doe... duh...duh..durrrrr..... but...i....i...see... tree... no..no tree dasert got cus... no.. wutr...en....dzrt....bloog!...heh..funee...

i.....go.. tre ask... how...how..uh...how you... do dat?.. cwestun...murk... i closr.  Closr to..tree... I heer now.. so...sae....
"Twee.... how do do do doo doo...heheh...uh how...Dat...?"

Tee do nut spok.... tee.....RUDE! Han on shulder...but nut humd... hoof... uv caml... caml push me in wutr like... bye bye harlen... bye bye harlen...

Harlen can't swim though... harlen swallowing water cus no swim... I....I....

Where am I? I pulled myself back up into the surface. I wasn't gasping or panting for air... I felt good... it must have been Fresher water. It couldn't have been anything else. Right now, I didn't have time to question it, I had bigger questions, like, why was there a camel in front of me?

"Hello, Harlen."

...I had even more questions.
"Hey... what am I doing here? Also... why do you have four humps on your back."

The four humped camel snickered, his voice low and wise.
"Trust me, boy. Four humps are the least of your concern. I've seen camels with legs taller than most of these brilliant palm trees. Camels with wings. Camels that breathe fire."

Camels breathing fire while flying would be a sickening replacement for a dragon, but that's what I have Rosslyn for. The camel continued on.
"As for where you are. You're in my home. The oasis of Avedar. That's me!"

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