Delhi 💗

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Authors Pov

In the heart of Delhi, amidst the legal corridors and bustling courtrooms, Vianna and her seniors were originally from Mumbai. Vianna had recently shifted to Delhi for an important client case that required her firm's dedicated attention for a month. Leaving behind her close-knit family and friends, she embarked on this professional journey with a mix of determination and apprehension.

Vianna settled into a modest neighbourhood of Delhi, and her days were consumed by intense preparation for the upcoming trial. She poured over legal documents late into the night, driven by her passion for seeking justice for her client. Despite the demanding workload, Vianna often found herself missing the comforting familiarity of her home and loved ones.

In the midst of her legal responsibilities, Vianna and her team sought solace in exploring the city during their rare moments of respite. She wandered through the historic marvelling Old Delhi, marveling at the grand architecture and absorbing the vibrant chaos of the markets. On weekends, she would visit the serene gardens and parks, finding a quiet sanctuary amidst the urban clamor.

As the days turned into weeks, Vianna's dedication and expertise began to impress her colleagues and even opposing counsel. She earned respect not just for her legal acumen but also for her unwavering commitment to her client's cause. Despite the distance from her support network, Vianna discovered a sense of empowerment and independence in navigating a new city and a complex legal landscape.

One evening, during a break in her hectic schedule, Vianna stumbled upon a community legal aid program offering free legal assistance to underprivileged individuals. Intrigued and eager to give back to the city that had become her temporary home, Vianna volunteered her time and skills. Through this experience, she forged unexpected connections with fellow advocates and ordinary citizens, broadening her perspective beyond the confines of her case.

As the trial date approached, Vianna felt a mix of nerves and anticipation. The outcome of the case carried significant implications, not only for her client but also for her burgeoning legal career. In the courtroom, Vianna eloquently presented her arguments, backed by thorough research and unwavering conviction.

In the meantime, she always misses her family, her friends, and most importantly, Aansh. Every time she was free, she decided to talk to Aansh, but sometimes it seemed he was busy and was not available for Vianna. Even though she was busy with her work, she was waiting for the time to get over and rush back to her family. She planned to visit home the same day her work was completed as that day was Aansh's birthday, and she wanted to celebrate it with him. She was still a little upset with Aansh for his earlier behaviour, but she tried to be calm around him.

One day, she was too annoyed because Reha texted her asking not to call Aansh because he was busy. At the end of the day, Vianna and Aansh fought, asking why she interfered in their life. After that, she didn't call Aansh for a few days, and she was too upset to talk to him. Vianna was working so hard for her career that she fell sick because of no proper care, but she didn't even bother to call Aansh and inform him that she needed him. So, he informed Abhay about her health.

On the other hand, Abhay, being a good friend, tried to handle the situation and again talked to Aansh about their love, but it looked like Aansh was more focused on Reha, and she didn't leave a chance to impress him.

So, once Abhay also suggested Vianna not be in more love with Aansh because he didn't want to see Vianna get hurt, and wouldn't assure him that she won't hurt herself in any circumstances. And then Aansh, on the other side, confessed his feelings through WhatsApp to Vianna, and Vianna was in seventh heaven for that. So, she planned to not continue her trip and just go back home after her official work is done

On the other side, Vianna got a new friend, Ridham, even though he was in the legal profession and helped a lot to Vianna while struggling with Delhi routes and court. He was a fun-loving person to be around, and he made sure that Vianna didn't miss her family, and even he was the one who helped Vianna during her illness.

And after lots of ups and downs,
Finally, the judge delivered the verdict-a resounding victory for the firm's client. Overwhelmed with relief and pride, Vianna realized how far she had come during her month-long stay in Delhi. She had proven to herself and others that she was capable of thriving in unfamiliar territory, both personally and professionally with all this going around, the case concluded, and her mission was accomplished. Vianna packed her belongings and prepared to return to her hometown. Delhi had left an indelible mark on her-a testament to her resilience, adaptability, and passion for justice. As she bid farewell to the city and her new friend who had challenged and inspired her, Vianna carried with her not just legal victories but also cherished memories.

Will Aansh and Vianna be finally together or will Reha be vilan as always??
What do you guys think please comment and vote for it..❤️

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