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s e v e n t e e n

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AFTER THIRTY minutes of no communication, Alex and Eli decide to call Jamie just as she calls them.

Alex immediately answers, putting it on speaker. "Jamie, what happened? It doesn't take that long to get to the precinct."

"Um, about that, Ghostface kinda attacked the three of us, so we're at the station for questioning."

"Do you want us to head over?"

"No, no, the detective said it shouldn't take long. I should be back in like 2 hours," she brushes her off.

"J, don't be ridiculous. We can be there in ten minutes."

"Guys, seriously, I'm fine. The killer's not gonna attack us in front of the cops," she assures. "I'll call when we're on the way back."

"Fine, just don't answer any incriminating questions and if you feel weird at any moment, we have a lawyer on speed dial, and we'll call Dad."

"Got it."


Unfortunately, Jamie's estimate was way off, as they'd been sitting in the station for hours, just waiting for the detective to start questioning them.

Eventually, the door swings open, followed by the lead detective, AKA Quinn's dad, entering the room.

"This was found next to the body at the apartment crime scene," he sits down, holding up a mask. "DNA says that it belonged to someone named Richie Kirsch. Does that ring a bell?"

"Unfortunately," Jamie mutters.

"We're familiar with him," Sam affirms, keeping a straight face.

"But the one that attacked us had a different one on. It was kind of more beat up. Like it was older."

"I gotta ask... Do you have alibis for earlier tonight?"

Jamie leans back in her seat, letting out a breath of exasperation. "We were at a frat party."

"OKB, with our friends," Tara nods.

"I was at my therapist's. I can give you his information. You can call to check if you want," Sam adds. "And then I met them at that party, where I tased someone."

Jamie gives her an incredulous look, wondering why she would share that information.

"Unrelated," Sam adds.

"Was that before or after this?" he holds up his phone, showing the video of Sam being pulled away from the girl who'd heckled her on the street earlier.


"Point is, we were with people all night."

"So, our roommate's dad just happened to pull our case," Sam leans forward a little, obviously suspicious.

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