The Muse, Part 2

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It's already been two weeks, and Gerard can't stop thinking about that kiss.

While he's on the train, or making sandwiches, or drawing monsters in the middle of the night to distract himself. Nothing works. All he can think about is Frank's soft lips on his, and the taste of coffee lingering afterwards.

If Gerard's crush was bad before, this just made it worse.

So, he tries to do what anyone would do to get over someone, and drinks until he's too numb to think and he can't feel his fingers. Especially the days he has to go to the office, and then to his paying job as a cashier, only to come home to an empty bed, longing to have someone to share his nights with, and knowing that will never happen to him.

Because, even though that kiss felt better than anything else, and Frank took his breath for a second, he knows it was just out of pity.

He knows Frank could tell how embarrassed he was when Mikey exposed him that day, and Frank was just trying to make him feel better. And while Gerard appreciates his kindness, and the fact that he didn't make fun of him, it made things worse for him.

Because now he knows what he's missing.

And it's the kind of pain that made him wish there was no point going on.

So, he keeps drinking.

He keeps looking for ways to keep his mind off of Frank. So, when he gets a text from Ray asking him if he wants to hang out with his D&D friends, Gerard doesn't hesitate and takes the train to the address Ray sent to him, in the next town over.

He's not the most social guy, but he hasn't played D&D in a while, and that might help distract him. And the possibility of free booze, is a plus.

So when he finally gets to his destination, and notices the crowd smoking outside, and a couple making out in the porch, he realizes this isn't just a nerd hangout.

He made a huge mistake.

And he almost considers turning around and going back home, but he already spent money on a train ticket, he might as well use this chance to drink until he passes out and can't remember a thing. Who knows, maybe he can even find someone to hook up with.

With a new goal in mind, he walks in the house, looking for his friend.

He doesn't know who any of these people are, but he figures they're friends with Ray's friends.

Whatever the case is, Gerard isn't drunk enough to start talking to any of them, so he starts his search for alcohol. That's when he sees Ray waving at him from the back of the room.

'Gee! Over here!' his friend yells, trying to get his attention. Gerard immediately starts to make his way there, knowing Ray will help him find something to drink.

'Hey, I –' he starts, getting to the point. Except he notices the two guys talking to his friend, and stops on his tracks. It's the guys from Mikey's hangout, Shaun and that kid with the weird nickname, something about ham. Which means –

No, what are the chances?

Newark isn't exactly a small place, and there are tons of people living here.

There is no way he is here, in the same party at Gerard.

Except the universe seems to be playing some kind of sick and twisted game because just then, Gerard sees Frank walking this way with a beer in hand.


The prettiest boy in town, the one who kissed his lips two weeks ago.

And the moment Frank looks up and sees him, Gerard freaks out and makes a run for the closest door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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