18|Contractual Standoff

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Love On The Brain - Rihanna

Love On The Brain - Rihanna

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"Mr. Lee's offer is more than generous."

Miyeon eyed Haechan's attorney, Dohun, an aggressive bulldog who had interjected multiple times during her meeting with her attorney to discuss the terms of the prenup.

His slick hair, pinstriped suit, and air of arrogant authority made her hackles rise.

According to Miyeon's attorney, the prenup was straightforward. Their assets would remain separate and if-when they divorced, she would receive one hundred million dollars in the settlement. Aside from the exorbitant figures being discussed, there were no surprises.

When Miyeon picked up the pen to sign, she hesitated. She had verbally agreed, but this was legally binding, a declaration that she intended to marry him again. One year with the devil.

"What's the holdup?" Dohun asked, his voice tinged with impatience. "Are you holding out for a bigger settlement?"

Daesong, Miyeon's seventy-two-year-old attorney, bristled at her side. "Mr. Dohun, if Ms. Kwon has any further questions, we'll contact your office."

Dohun ignored him and kept his gaze fixed on Miyeon. He spun his phone on the table and said, "Mr. Lee made it clear he wants this wrapped up today. If you want to renegotiate, I need to know what you want so I can call him and get this taken care of.

So Haechan would pick up his attorney's call but couldn't shoot her a text with the elevator code. Typical.

Miyeon regarded Dohun as she tipped the pen from side to side on the prenup, which was clearly getting on his nerves. Apparently, he felt she was wasting his time, and he wasn't happy about it.

"Considering the fact that Mr. Lee now owns a controlling share of Kwon & Co, don't you think it's wise that you tread carefully?" Dohun asked. Outwardly, Miyeon didn't react, but her stomach clenched.

"That has nothing to do with this," Daesong said with heavy disapproval. Once again, Dohun ignored him.

Sensing Miyeon's discomfiture, he went in for the kill. "Mr. Lee made it quite clear that he thought this was a fair settlement," Dohun drawled, "Considering your past record."

Daesong stiffened, and her pen stopped tapping.

"I was the one who initiated our first divorce, and I took nothing," Miyeon said quietly. "What makes you think I'm holding out for a larger settlement?"

"You have no one to run to anymore now that your father is gone," Dohun said bluntly. "And your sisters aren't doing too well, either."

"You can-" Daesong began hotly but fell silent when Miyeon touched his sleeve.

"Mr. Lee is a busy man," Dohun continued, unfazed by Daesong's outburst. "You don't want to test his patience by asking for more now, do you? My advice is to take what he offers and be grateful for it."

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