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In the story:

At the campsite:

Everyone was preparing for a programme with songs and other fun activities. Chanyeol kept noticing that Baekhyun wasn't there, in fact, even Sehun wasn't there. At first he thought they were taking a rest but after the darkness grew, he asked Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo told him that Baekhyun was going to a flower valley with Sehun so he came to take his phone.

Even though Chanyeol didn't like it, he accepted the fact that Sehun was Baekhyun's friend but he felt an anxiety after they didn't came really late.

He felt as if they were in trouble and it grew really dark. He tried calling Baekhyun but it didn't go through.

Chanyeol called everyone.

Chanyeol with a worried expression: I think Sehun and Baekhyun are lost in the forest. I should go and search for them.

Lay: No you shouldn't go by yourself. We don't have much idea about the forest so we should go with some people.

Taeyong: Yeah Lay is right! I don't know what situation my bestie is!

Jaehyun: Don't worry, I believe they are fine. Let's go.

Taeyong: But I can't stay like this. We're all going to get my Baek back.

Some of them started their journey to the forest.

Chanyeol: I guess we should split up into two teams.

Lay: Yeah. Taeyong, Jaehyun, Kyungsoo, Mark,Ten and Lucas come with me.

Chanyeol was with Kai, Suho, Xiumin and Chen.

After a bit, Chanyeol's group went deep into the forest.

Suho: It's so dark, and we're so deep into the forest!! What if ghosts appear, or wild animals attack us?

Chanyeol: Right. Suho,are you virgin?

Suho: What?!

Chanyeol: I asked are you still virgin?

All of them looked at Suho curiously.

Suho with shyness: Of course, I'm.

Chanyeol: That's good. There could be deviless. Well, you'll be the sacrifice. You're the most handsome,moreover virgin, the ghost will be happy. And same thing with animals. We'll give you to it and run.

Suho: Hey stop scaring me!! I already feel like peeing my pants and you're trying to make me poop my pants.

After a bit:

When they were going deeper, they observed how distressed and despondent Chanyeol was as they couldn't find Baekhyun and his brother.

Kai: Don't worry, we'll find brother in law soon.

Suddenly Chanyeol could hear something.

Chanyeol: Wait, I hear something. I guess there is someone around here.

Suho: Maybe ghost or animal!

They came closer

All of them : Yeah we can hear something.

Chanyeol: I should go there.


Tears escaped from Baekhyun's eyes endlessly.

Confused In Love ( Chanbaek/Sebaek/ Chansoo) FFWhere stories live. Discover now