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you guys scare me
eveerytime i upload on this book you guys come RUNNING
like 69 reads in a few days is actually scary
are you people okay

Blink blink.

"What..?" Boombox eyes opened slowly, his breathing becoming existent as he sat up. He saw Valk fast asleep on a chair beside him, Shuriken and Skateboard leaning on Valk's shoulder.

"You're finally awake." Medkit was beside Boombox, startling him.

"Who- what.." Boombox put a hand over his eyes, squinting as the light from the window hurt his eyes. "Coma." Medkit answered in one word so Boombox could more easily comprehend what had happened.

"I see.." Boombox sighed, wincing as he shifted to sit more upright. "Thank you, mister..?"

Medkit looked flabbergasted. Memory loss? Boomboox took a harder fall than he thought.

"Medkit. It's just Medkit." 

"And they are?" Boombox gestured quietly at the 3 so as to not wake them up. Medkit wrote down "memory loss" on his patient clipboard as he put it down.

"Shuriken, Valk and Skateboard, respectively."

"What..are they to me?"

Medkit gulped. This would be hard to explain.


Boombox nods. "I see. Thank you, Medkit." Boombox smiled warmly at Medkit. Medkit returned a tired smile. Boombox's smile felt sincere, a complete contrast to the smile he had received from Boombox the past few months.

"How are you feeling?"

"..My head hurts."

"Here's what I have to say. You have brain damage so I would advise you to not go near your boombox and blast music and to not wear your visors."

"Hold up- I have a boombox??"

"Yeah. A green one."

"That is my favourite colour. Woah. That's crazy."

Medkit nods. It wouldn't hurt to chat with him for a while. Medkit tried to give Boombox a recap, leaving out the parts that would get him to do the same he had last time.

"Medkit..? What's going on..." Shuriken woke up, rubbing his eyes. When he saw Boombox awake, he was about to shout in utter happiness before Medkit gestured a finger to his lips, to shut the actual hell up. Shuriken rolled his eyes but obliges.

"Heyyy B feeling okay?" Shuriken sits on Boombox's bed.

"Yeah. Who are you exactly?" Shuriken froze. "..Shuriken. From Thieves Den." 

"Shuriken. Shuriken..Shuriken..Shuriken...May I call you Shuri?" 

That tugged at Shuriken's heart strings. That was what Boombox used to call him.

"Go ahead."

"Hey, Shuri? Why do you look so sad-"

Shuriken finally lost it, throwing his arms around Boombox tightly, letting tears cascade down his face.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..gomenasai..I don't want you to get hurt again..please.."

Boombox was confused, but silently hugged back.

'One hell of a day today. You learn something new everyday.' Boombox let his thoughts drift off to what probably happened to make Shuriken cry. Oh well. He would learn soon enough when time came.

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