due date.

182 6 23

(Chat lets pretend when the assignment was assigned it was like 25
th of February 😉 ALSO tw for death n shit. )

Johnnie woke, seeing jake holding him. He looked around, he wasn't home.

"Jake, dude, get up." He whispered, his voice raspy and tired as he sat up.

"Mmmm" jake groaned, only pulling the shorter closer, hiding his face in johnnie's oversized 'the cure' shirt.

"Dude, seriously. We've gotta get up or we'll get a bad grade on the project." The shorter protested, pushing jake off him and getting up.

"Fucckkkk, my head hurts like shittttt" jake complained, curling into a ball.

"You chugged three bottles of whiskey i dont know what you expected."

"I what."

"Whoops!" Johnnie laughed a little, helping jake up with an earned kiss after he gained his balance.

They brushed their hair, and got sam and colby up so they could leave.

"Fucckkkk... Colby, wake up babe" the blonde kvenched (search it up.) As he tried to pick up colby.


"Thats two versus tw- whats that smell?" Jake inquiried, looking around.

"It smells like a lot of m-... Is that blood?" Colby pointed to the door, a red thick liquid creeping below.

"Sam?" Jake looked over at the blonde, who just shrugged.

They all walked over to the door, all fearful as colby slowly opened it.

Bryan lay on the floor, obviously not breathing.
His neck was slit, and his shirt was missing.

"What the fuck." Johnnie whispered, scooting closer to Colby.. Whom he thought was jake.
He bumped into the brunette, looking back and seeing it wasn't his boyfriend.

"Eerrrrr, sorry. Thought you were jake." He spoke, obviously shaken by everything going on.

Everything as in his ex-roomate being dead.

He scrambled to jake, hugging him immediately. Jake, still staring at the body hugged johnnie back before taking his and and stepping over the adult and going downstairs.

"You okay johnnie?" He whispered, opening the fron door and walking out.
Johnnie remained quiet, leaning into jake as they walked.

As they reached the car, jake looked over at johnnie again, his hand resting on the handle.

"Serously, Are you okay?" He spoke more clearly, staring with a worried gaze.

"... I dont know. I should want him dead, but seeing him so... Still. Lifeless. It was scary. The image wont leave my head." The brunetted confessed, holding onto jakes hand tighter.

Sam and colby rushed out immediately after, colby shoving sam into the drivers seat and rushing over to the passengers.

Jakegave johnnie a little kiss before getting in the car himself, pulling johnnie with him.

Sam sped out of the driveway, obviously distraught.

"Whats going on?"

"Someone saw the body."

"Well duh?"

"They saw us with the body."


Jake got hit hard with the reality of the situation.
He was scared, his palms were sweaty and his grip around johnnie tightened.

They pulled up to jakes, johnnie hopping out to and rushing in alingside the taller. Jake gave him some baggy pants, a studded belt and a misfits top. The te swiftly got ready, rushing out as the bus pulled up.

'I look like shiitttt' Johnnie whispered, holding jakes hand.

'Me too, dont worry' kake stepped up onto the bus, finding two empty seats and sitting there.

"Hey jake?"


"Im scared. Whats gonna happen if sam and colby-"

Johnnie got a text.

He opened it, staring at it for a while. He couldn't believe it.

Sam and colby had gotten into a fight about the situation and decided to take a break from the relationship.

"No. fucking. way." Jake spoke out, reading the text aswell.

"I thought they were perfect?"

"Me too???"

The two sat confusedly, still holding hands.

The bus stopped, all the other kids standing up and walking out, jake and johnnie doing so aswell.

-time skip-

Jake and johnnie kissed right before walking into Mr. patel's class as some sort of encouragement. mr. Patel gave them such a look that almost made it see like he knew.

"Good morning class, i already had role done from your other teachers so we have all period to do this" the oldest man stated, walking up to his podium again, just like before.

"First up, we havveeeee..." Mr. Patel paused.
"Jake Webber and Johnnie web- Guilbert!"

"I think he's teasing us." Jake whispered as he stood up.

"Most definitely."

They walked up to the front of the room, johnnie pulling out his notebook- the notebook.

He opened up to a specific page, clearing his throat before reading it alloud.

"TOI-1338B is a beautiful planet, colorful and large, nerly the soze of jupiter from afar. It may seem like an honor to such a planet, but its almost impossible to get there alive, since its near 1,320 light-years away.
TOI-1338B  orbits one _the stars in the Pictor constellation, and a year for it is only 95 days"

Jaje then brought his hand crafted, paper mache planet. It was good looking! But i could use a little work.

"Okay, thank you, jake and johnnie. Wanna say anything before you go sit back down?"

Jake looked at Johnnie.

johnnie looked at Jake.

They nodded in sync, turning to the classnd holding hands.

"We're- we're a couple" jake admitted, stay quiet for johnnie.

"And yes, we're very happy with such decision."

Jake kissed johnnie's cheek as a way to show how proud he is of johnnie. Himself aswell, actually.

The two sat down, all eyes on them.

"Stop staring, freaks. Its just like when Tara dated Colby, but its Johnnie and Jake. Not that big a deal." Mr. Patel defended, calling up groups for the rest of the period.

pretty little tears. //jahnnieWhere stories live. Discover now