{ Chapter 3 }

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The door of the Bugatti Centodieci opens and a man in a black suit came out


Guard: [*close the door then walk to the back passenger seat and opens the door*].
[ ? ]: [*steps out*].
Guard: [*closed the door and locked it*] Here we are Sir...
Silver: Hm... The cosplay competition will start soon let's blend in.
Guard: Yes sir...
Silver: [*walks in the cosplay area*].


Sammy: Wait! Pistachio! [*Trying to catch up to Pistachio in a large crowd*].
Pistachio: Excuse me, pardon me, move aside... [*Trying to go through the crowds to the meeting place*].
Sammy: [*trying to catch up*] excuse me please! [*Accidentally bump into someone then slowly looks up into his eyes*].
Silver: [*with a glare he look down upon Sammy*] ....
Sammy: I-I am so sorry! [*Looking directly into his eyes then looks away*].
Silver: [*slowly my eyes soften but my facial expression didn't change much*].
Pistachio: SAMMY! SAMMY!
Sammy: Coming! [*Excuses himself and walk past silver back to the crowd and to Pistachio*].
Sliver: [*watches Sammy walk by until to Pistachio*] Guard..
Guard: Yes sir?
Silver: Watch over that boys with the maid dresses...
Guard: Yes sir.
Silver: [*looks at Sammy one last time with a slight lust in his eyes before walking back to the car*].
Guard: [*watches over Sammy and Pistachio*].


Sammy: Where is Kaizen and Yunji? [*Looks around*].
Pistachio: well they said they will be here in a few mins...
Sammy: I see... Well I'll go buy coffee I'll be right back need anything?
Pistachio: Not really just be back and don't get lost.
Sammy: Okay [*goes to the crowd and towards a coffee shop near by*].
Guard: [*follows Sammy then turn the ear phone on*] the boy you met is on the move what do I do next sir?
Silver: [*sitting in the car*] Is he alone?
Guard: [*keeping my distance and sight on Sammy*] Sir yes sir.
Silver: bring him to me...
Guard: Yes sir [*gets closer and closer*].
Sammy: [*inside the coffee shop about to order*].
Guard: [*behind Sammy then I place my hand on his shoulder*] Young man your coming with me...
Sammy: [*a bit confusing and scared*] W-why sir?
Guard: it's either follow me... Or I'll forcefully do it myself...
Sammy: let go of me! [*Trying to push the guard away*].
Guard: [*grab both of Sammy's wrist and drag him out to the car*]
Sammy: let me go! [*Trying to break his grip*].


Pistachio: Where are they... Don't tell me the left me.
Yunji: [*put my hand on his shoulder*] No they won't.
Pistachio: [*jumped in shock*] What the fuck?!
Kaizen: [*eating icecream*] Hehehe sorry we're late... Btw where is Sammy?
Pistachio: He said he went to get some coffee but it's been 16mins already... I think he got lost.
Kaizen: Jesus Christ, Let's go find him.
Yunji: [*tries ringing Sammy's phone*].
Kaizen: Sammy! [*Yells but not too loud*].
Pistachio: [*calls out for Sammy while following Kaizen*].
Yunji: [*follows Pistachio while typing on her phone*].


Sammy: I said let go of me! I don't want to follow you!
Guard: Stop squirming... [*Opens the back door of the car and shove Sammy in*].
Sammy: Ow! Hey! [*Tries to open the door but it's lock*].
Silver: Hello [*greets with a soft smile*].
Sammy: you...

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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