part 7

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Anurak passed out .
....... Virat makes him lay on sofa and shouting mom dad papa adi come here fast where are you all just come fast.

....Angel wake up baby , baby wt happened to you .

Mr and Mrs vaishist wt happend dear why are you shouting O my god wt happend to Rak .

Rak wake up rak baby see you mom open your eyes dear .

Naren : Virat explain to us first .

Virat : adi go and get some water fast.

Papa we were talking in balcony then there was sudden wind no no it's like heavy storm and suddenly power went off as you all called I was taking him down suddenly he shouted and fainted dad.

Naren : Why he shouted suddenly ?

Virat : don't know dad as he was facing to opposite side to me as I was carrying like cola bear he was terrified so he told me to carry and we reached down and calling you all then Anurak shouted and passed out .

Virat sheds water drops on him Anurak by tough came to conscious.
He hugs his mom as he was so terrified everyone was confused.

Angel come down we all are here baby don't worry and now pls tell me why you shouted.

Anurak was breathing heavily I .. I .. saw a spirit in a shouting tone .

Naren : what ?

Yes dad it's true I saw with my own eyes at first I didn't believed it after rubbing my eyes and again I looked at back it's really no near to me with an inch no it's just not an inch also and it also did ....... (swallowed it ) .

Virat : wt did come on tell full baby

Anurak : just leave it's just disgusting it's eyes are covered black and red and covered with over a coat from top to bottom in black colour it's nails are really very big .

Naren : stop it dear it's enough . It's all your imagination dear come on there will be a spirit in today's world are what ?sry to say rak dear but as you are taking very dosed tablets it may lead to different thoughts , stress, or imagination like that .

Mr.vashisist: yes dear I all also think so don't fear rak there will be no ghost, soul ,spirits here believe us rak .

Anurak : You all don't believe me right but it's really true there is ghost in this house pls believe me .

Virat was losed in his thoughts

Mr. Naren : Virat wt are you thinking come on explain him and say smtg to him .

Virat sits beside baby as it's late night let's go to sleep now and we will discuss it in morning now you go to room and sleep .

No no I won't go alone I will sleep here only and starts lay on Virat laps in sofa.

Slowly rak passed into deep sleep Virat takes him in bridal style and goes to his room and make him sleep in his bed covered with quilt and went back down .

Mr. Naren : Virat why did you said us to wait is everything alright son .

Virat : Adi you to go and sleep tomorrow there is class for you early go now .

( Note : Mr and Mrs vashist will be mentioned as Papa mama )

Mama : ok dear now tell us adi went too gone now .

Virat : Guys I think wt angel told his true .

Mama papa naren all are shocked to here I said in equal tone

What ?

Dad ( naren ) : have you lost your mind Virat wt are you saying don't make rak more tensed do you know he will be more feared if he listen now and don't believe it son it's all his imagination .

Virat : how can his imagination can be seen by me dad ?

Papa mama dad I know it's tuff to believe all these at first I too ignored many times these thingd thinking it's my imagination but no it's all wrong and it all linked to only one thing I can say there is someone surrounding angel and also me but it's only related to angel I don't know I cant figure it out so I opened up to you as you guys can suggest wt to do ?

Mama : what are you saying you are making me fear now wt will happen now if it's true.

Dad : what do you mean by many times son explain in detail . And why do you think it's back on rak and you .

Virat : It's all started from angel wake up from coma .

First : that night when angel came back from coma o bokey has been delivered by some man and there is weird note in it and I chased but he escaped them I was in outside of hospital then I saw angel on hospital terrors and he tried fall from there but I caught him and suddenly I slipped and fallen but I caught some pole and I was trying pull myself up but someone from down was pulling my leg to fall , I looked down to notice but there is no own but the members in the hospital pulled me up and again I taked look down and noticed shadow only but there was no one without anyone how can there be a shadow .

Second on that day I was staying in angel ward room only as he was so feared that he dreamt about smtg bad at first we both slept then I waked up by some disturbance and noticed quilt was down so tried to pick up and cover angel but when  I tried to pick it up I couldn't pick up it was like so weight or someone stoping me from picking it up , quilt can't be that much weight right so it was confirmed someone pulling it then after lot struggle finally I picked it up covered him then I noticed again shadow leaving ward room . I thought it was all my dream and went back to sleep .

Third when I bought flowers to angel that day angel hurt me so I was leaving and sat in car seat as started but car wasn't started I was trying on trying it then suddenly my eyes fallen on front mirror and looked that someone was sitting in back seat coming to its appearance exact like what today angel said , for confirming I turned back there was no one and again I looked in mirror I can see it I was terrified and trying to get out of the car but it was locked I couldn't get down and I was breathing heavily and at last that door was opened .

Fourth : today before we left hospital we discussing , I think you guys may not noticed suddenly windows opened without any sound or wind how can it happen after window I see the shadow near the bed to angel to confirm I switch on camera on and looked I see the appearance I was so terrified and I told let's go and when rak left first that shadow too left with him .

And just now there was heavy storm windows were beating repeatedly and sudden power off eventhough we have generator .
Myself and angel was getting down with flash light in phone and suddenly that shadow went infront of us I told angel that it was just one of your shadows as he will be feared and angel said he saw ghost .

Now you all say that by hearing all these will you all say that it was not ghost or smtg bad omen followed by angel and me .

Mama : O God ! Why are giving one by one pblms to us today I thought all will be ok and we can be happy but again another pblm wt do you want from us by saying these she starts to cry .

Dad and papa : It's hard to believe but we believe now but what that ghost want from us what we are going to do?

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