Part 59 Shadows of the Past

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As the week passed, Lucas found himself consumed by the flashes of memories that flooded his mind whenever he glanced at the pages of the book. Emily had been by his side, offering her support and helping him decipher the cryptic images that danced before his eyes.

One evening, as they pored over the book's worn pages, Lucas was struck by a sudden vision unlike any he had experienced before. It was a glimpse of a man, tall and strong, with a kind smile and warm eyes. For the first time, Lucas saw his father.

"His name," Lucas murmured, the words barely escaping his lips as he tried to make sense of the revelation.

Emily leaned in closer, her brow furrowing with concentration. "What did you see?" she asked softly, her voice filled with anticipation.

"His name," Lucas repeated, the pieces of the puzzle slowly falling into place. "His name is... Daniel. Daniel Walton."

The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, the implications of Lucas's vision sinking in with each passing moment. Emily's eyes widened with understanding, the significance of the name not lost on her.

"We need help from Sheriff Landy," Emily urged, her voice filled with determination. "He might be able to help us find out more about Daniel Walton."

Lucas hesitated, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "I don't know if we can trust him," he admitted, his voice tinged with doubt.

But Emily reached out, her hand finding his and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We have to try," she insisted, her gaze unwavering. "We can't do this alone, Lucas. We need all the help we can get."

With a nod of reluctant agreement, Lucas finally relented. Together, they would seek out the sheriff and enlist his aid in unraveling the mystery of Daniel Walton and his connection to Lucas's past.

The next day, they met with Sheriff Landry at the Ruby Falls Police Station. The sheriff had been skeptical at first but eventually agreed to help them track down the last known address of Daniel Walton.

"I don't know what you kids are getting yourselves into, but be careful," Sheriff Owens had warned them, handing over a slip of paper with the address scribbled on it. "A lot of the folks in Rivertown don't take kindly to strangers."

"Thank you, Sheriff," Lucas had said, taking the paper and tucking it into his pocket.

"Just... watch your backs, okay?" the sheriff had added, his expression serious. 

With the address in hand and the sheriff's words echoing in their minds, Emily and Lucas set off on their journey, determined to uncover the truth about Lucas's past and the mysterious Daniel Walton.

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