Part 62 Shadows of the Past

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As Emily and Lucas stepped into the quaint diner in Rivertown, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon enveloped them, mingling with the comforting chatter of locals and the clinking of cutlery. They settled into a cozy booth by the window, the sunlight streaming in to warm their faces.

Their waitress, Patty, approached with a warm smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she greeted them. "Welcome to the Rivertown Diner, folks," she said cheerfully. "What can I get y'all today?"

"We'll have two coffees, please," Emily replied with a smile. "And maybe a menu."

Patty nodded, poring the coffee before pausing to glance at them curiously. "You two ain't from around here, are you?" she asked, her tone friendly.

"No, we're from Ruby Falls," Lucas replied, exchanging a glance with Emily. "We're just passing through."

Patty's smile faltered slightly at the mention of Ruby Falls, but she recovered quickly, setting their menus down on the table. "Well, I grew up right here in Rivertown," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "It's a nice little town, if I do say so myself."

Lucas leaned forward, his expression earnest. "Patty, we're actually looking for someone," he said, his voice low. "A man named Daniel Walton. Would you happen to know him?"

Patty's smile faded, replaced by a somber expression. She glanced around the diner as if checking for eavesdroppers, before leaning in closer to Lucas and Emily. "Folks around here don't take too kindly to that name," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I ain't seen Daniel in over 20 years. But his grandmother still lives here."

Emily and Lucas exchanged a knowing glance, the weight of Patty's words hanging heavy in the air. They thanked her quietly before turning their attention back to the menu, their thoughts consumed by the mysteries that awaited them in Rivertown.

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