Chapter 18~|𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝑵𝒂𝒊𝒗𝒆|

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❝【𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓝𝓪𝓲𝓿𝓮】❞

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

We aren't actually going

to Paris [Y/n].

*+:。.。  。.。:+*

𝓣—he next morning was quiet...and dark. [Y/n] was the first to stir awake, watching as Akabane peacefully slept beside her.

[Y/n] sat up and watched as the man lightly snored, patches of his red hair scattered across his forehead. She moved it so she could get a better view of his face.

Last night she had wondered if things between the two of them had changed but now that she was awake, watching him sleep peacefully she smiled at the realization that...nothing had in fact changed.

She still hated the bastard.

Which meant that she'd still be able to kill him. It's not like he did anything revolutionary last night. Which was more important A-list dick or killing someone who was literally on your A-list?

The answer should be quite clear.

Carefully [Y/n] reached for her pillow, slowly bringing it above Akabane's face. In one swift motion she would bring it down and successfully suffocate him.

She had to be smart about this since Akabane was pretty strong. One wrong move would end up in him waking up and surviving.

When the timing was right, she would...

"I refuse to die by being suffocated." Karma looked up at you. [Y/n] took too long. Besides, he could feel you hovering over him. You didn't even bother to conceal your murderous intent.

"That's way worse than being shot-" You brought the pillow down anyway, using your body weight to keep it down over both breathing entry ways.

This worked out better because he was caught off guard with giving his little speech that he forgot you could still go along with your assassination plan

Karma easily picked the woman up off of him, tossing her to the side with immense force whiles gasping for air. "Seriously [L/n]?" He looked over at you when he finally caught his breath.

"You want me dead that fucking bad?!" He didn't even know what he did to enrage the woman this much but she really wasn't messing around. "Jesus." He got up.

"Damn...I guess I just need to try harder." It was another failed attempt, but on the bright side she was getting creative like he wanted. There were no bullets in her reach so she didn't really have any other choice.

"We're landing today." He thought he should share that information with you. Well atleast you were landing today.

You didn't honestly expect Karma to wait around in the same location as you just so he could get sniped did you? The man didn't survive this long by doing so and he didn't plan on starting now.

Call him a pussy if you want to but he was going to indulge in a game of hide an seek— you being the finder. Besides, it was way more fun this way.

He didn't really feel the need to kill you so he was going to do just that. If Akabane didn't want to do something, then he wouldn't. His philosophy was quite simple really. Not to mention last night gave him plenty enough reasons to keep you alive.

[Y/n] on the other hand had murder drilled into her mind like it was her sixth sense. Karma could see she wasn't going to stop until she got the results she wanted.

So since he had nothing better to do, he would participate in her little hunting game. He'd put his life in the line all for the sake of some quality entertainment. I mean, who wouldn't? Life was short.

"I have big plans for Paris." [Y/n] sighed contently.

Akabane looked at you with an eyebrow raised. That's right...he forgot to tell her.

"We aren't actually going to Paris [Y/n]." The game wouldn't be interesting if she already had everything planned out and set up like he knew she did.

[Y/n] was stumped. If they weren't actually going to Paris then where was the man taking her? They've been on this aircraft for a hot minute now so it had to been somewhere far.

He grinned, and it went silent for a while.


Your face dropped. You were wanted everywhere in Russia. In Japan it wasn't as bad because you had allies there, but this? This was an entire different ball game. You couldn't even show your face freely in that country.

"Akabane no..."

"Start getting your things because as soon as we land the game will really begin. Word of your arrival has already traveled about, curtesy of me of course."

You killed their Prime Minister, you were labeled a terrorist in their land. Everyone would constantly be on your ass.

But yet again, you've come this far. What's a little bit longer.

You looked over at the man who seemed to enjoying every minute of this conversation.

Akabane already had his stay planned out since his original plans were to go to Russia. [Y/n] was the only one oblivious to these shifts in planning. He had a fancy resort in a nice part of town, with good food and great people.

Her? She'd probably have to stay in the lesser parts trying her best to stay both hidden and kill him somehow. It would be a miracle if the woman could even pull it off.

Unfortunately, he knew [Y/n] too well. Somehow, someway, she'd make it happen.

Which is why for extra security reason he took all her identification and documents so she wouldn't be able to leave the country or rent any fancy homes. Something she wasn't aware of yet.

He wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon either. It was only fair.

Don't worry, he'd return her some point.

Taking a deep breath to bring her thoughts together she stared at nothing in particular. "Karma..." she trailed off. "You really are a bitch."

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