Chapter 19~|𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝑺𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝑶𝒏𝒆|

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❝【𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓽𝓸 𝓢𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓞𝓷𝓮】❞

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

Is this all going to your

fiancé's card?

*+:。.。  。.。:+*

𝓣—he surroundings were unfamiliar...You had no idea what happened. The last thing you could remember was the plane landing and Akabane sneaking behind you with a white cloth, holding it to both your nose and mouth. After that you blacked out, you tried putting up a fight of course, but he overpowered you in strength.

You got up out of the bed you were lying in and began a thorough inspection of your surroundings.

By the looks of it, you were in some kind of Hotel, and outside seemed to have been snowing outside. The floor you were on was quite high, which gave you a good look at the scenery outside.

Standing nicely in the corner was all of your luggage, and on the nightstand was your phone.

You just knew he went through your things. Immediately, you dropped all other thoughts and rushed over to your phone. Upon open it, you noticed there was a note widget on your lock screen.

'Goodmorning [Y/n], or night. I don't know when you'll wake up—my bad by the way. But you've probably already noticed that you're up in some five star hotel—curtesy of yours truly of course. l thought I'd do something nice for you to cancel out all the other shitty stuff I'm about to do.'

She could tell that the not was definitely from Akabane. Groaning to herself momentarily, she kept on reading.

'Apparently I underestimated the russian's bloodlust towards you. These people really fucking hate you. I almost got my ass killed because of you.'

Obviously that didn't work out. Now did it?

'Fear not though, I gave you a new identity. You're registered as Anastasiya Volkov now. I had someone I know whip you up a fake passport and birth certificate to make it more believable. Everything's in your suitcase. It's all authentic so it's less than likely you'll get imprisoned for it.'

[Y/n] put her phone down and immediately dashed towards all her luggage. He went through her bags too? Fuck.

It was too late to bask in shame, she kept on reading.

'And yes, I did find some unexpected things in there...Didn't take you for the type of woman to carry things like that around with her.'

Moving on; I'm keeping your actual documents with me for safe keeping so no need to worry. I'm also paying for your stay so by all means, go crazy.

That was it. No further explanation nothing. All you got from that was his snooping ass went through your things and he also happened to change your identity. Apparently you're Anastasiya now. I didn't even get to chose my own fucking name. What if I wanted to be an Inessa or something.

What was even worse was that he knew exactly where you were staying. How is this even fair? If he really wanted to, he could just waltz up in here right now.

The logical thing would be to check out of the hotel and go somewhere more underground, so he wouldn't know about your whereabouts. But then you'd have to support yourself and you don't have any means of income. Akabane unfortunately wasn't feeling generous enough to leave you any money, or your wallet.

Staying here, although it wasn't what you wanted, was the best course of action. Akabane didn't want to kill you. He wanted you to come find him. So it didn't matter if he knew where you was or not. The fact still remained that you had no idea where he was hiding. food.

It felt like you hadn't eaten in days. Your stomach was bubbling. As a matter of long have you been out?

You glanced down at your phone and noticed that the note had been written three days ago...

Akabane should really invest in some softer drugs because whatever he used to put me to sleep should not have last for three fucking days.

Grabbing the telephone that was nearby, you glanced at the pamphlet besides it and called room service.

"Hello?" You were starving.

"Good day, how may we help you?" the woman's Russian accent was heavy.

"Hey, can I place in an order of Pelmeni please." You had heard that it was the National dish of Russia and since you had the time, you might as well try it. "Actually, can I get two servings?" One wouldn't be enough to satisfy your hunger, and it was Akabane's pockets you were hurting anyways.

"Would you like room service?" She politely questioned.

"Yes, please."

"Which name will this be under?" She didn't want to mix up your order.

Naturally you were about to state your real name but you quickly caught yourself in the knick of time. "Uhm... Anastasiya Volkov?" The name felt foreign to you.

"Oh Anastasiya! My apologies. Is this all going to your fiancé's card?" She seemed panicked.

Akabane really did have a habit for introducing himself as your fiancé to strangers. I'm sure the title of a co-worker, or a friend would work just as well.

"Yeah.." you sighed. Sometimes it really concerns you how freely Akabane goes about with his real identity, knowing he's a wanted criminal to some.

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The food didn't take long at all to be sent up to your room and of course you were cautious while retrieving it. You weren't too familiar with the people up on your floor so you had to be suspectful of any and everyone.

The scent of meat dumplings filled the room, and you couldn't wait to take a bite.

As you ate you couldn't help but wonder what Karma's true intentions could be..

Every time you thought you figured him out, a new plot twist would occur. But in fact it wouldn't be a plot twist at all. It was all his original goal from the beginning.

Like abducting me on that airplane. His true intentions were never in Paris, which is why he stopped me from going on my plane. He knew that if I had gone I would have actually went to Paris, meanwhiles he'd be in Russia and I would have never found him.

When he sent that man to kill me, he probably knew that he wouldn't be able to pull it off. Which is why he gave him that virus, which in turn hospitalized me. Karma knew where I lived, so he knew I'd go to the closest hospital to that area.

The woman in that hospital...the doctor...I should've known it was all too suspicious. They were both in on it weren't they. I got served way too quickly. From that moment I should have called bullshit.

After I passed out he transferred me to a new hospital. One in which he probably had more authority over. From there he waited for me to wake up, so he could put the rest of his plans in motion.

That teddy bear...the flowers? The bear had a camera in it. You knew this because you saw his view of your room inside his little aircraft office. He probably put that camera in there for a majority or reasons but the most prominent one was probably so he could know the exact day you were planning on leaving so he could further sabotage you.

It was all starting to make sense the more you thought about it. He knew everything. It all played out like he expected it too.

The worse part of all of this was that his plan was probably still in action and [Y/n] had no idea.

The stupid game of cat and mouse the woman thought she was playing was something so much more bigger than that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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