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"You sure I can't convince you to share that recipe?" asked Kord. He was digging into his breakfast with Trixie seated next to him at the dining table. 'Molenoid Pancakes' were one of Kord's favorite dishes, even though he had no idea how Pronto made them.

"A chef's greatest tools are his recipes, giving them out freely is completely out of the question," replied Pronto dramatically.

Next to Kord sat Trixie who had stopped eating her own usual breakfast, cereal, and was looking around the room. "I'll go try waking up Eli," she said as she began getting out of her chair.

"I wouldn't bother," interrupted Kord in between bites. "I already tried, he's pretty much out cold."

"It's only natural, we were up late yesterday helping out with the Frostcrawlers, and it didn't help that Eli accidentally fell into their glacial water," said Pronto.

"Accidentally," said Kord sarcastically. Remembering how a certain someone misfired and hit Eli in the back with a Flatulorhinkus slug, sending him off the ice pathway he was standing on.

"Morning," interrupted Eli as he walked shakily towards the living room.

"Hey, sleeping beauty, though it's not really the morning anymore," joked Trixie. "Want some cereal?"

"No, I'm alright," he said as he grabbed a seat on one of the couches.

"Good, I never understood why you two enjoy that stuff anyway, let me make some pancakes for you. Kord can attest to their deliciousness."

"Sure can," said Kord happily as he took another bite.

"Thanks but it's fine, I'm not really in the mood for breakfast anyway," said Eli as he switched from sitting to lying on the couch.

Trixie, Kord, and Pronto shared a concerned look with each other.

"You feeling okay, dude?" asked Kord.

"I'm fine, I...just gotta get some coffee in me," he replied as he slowly got up from the couch.

Just then, the hideout's distress system activated, and footage showing a scuffle involving Blakk's men popped up on their holodisplay. It showed ghouls flying in all directions and citizens fleeing.

" It's C.C. again," groaned Pronto, recognizing the familiar yellow uniform.

"Better make that a coffee to go," Trixie said as she tossed Eli a thermos.

"It's the town nearby, we should be able to get there in time with our mechas," said Kord. "You sure you're feeling up to this?"

"I'll be fine," replied Eli as he grabbed his gear.

Soon all 4 of them were riding into town, they could hear shots still being fired, which meant they weren't too late. Pulling into the center of the fight, Trixie fired off a Phosphoro slug to temporarily blind them, which gave the remaining civilians a chance to get somewhere safe.

"Ugh, what the...?" says C.Ce as he takes off his shades, his expression quickly changing from confusion to arrogance as he spots the source of the bright explosion. "Well if it isn't the Shane Gang."

"No surprise you're still doing Blakk's biddings, just like any of his other lackeys," said Eli, hoping to grab his attention while Trixie and Pronto slowly used the smoke as a cover.

It worked since as soon as the words left his mouth, C.C. began blasting ghouls towards Kord and Eli.

A full-on shootout began, and while the duo were doing well keeping C.C. distracted, Pronto and Trixie slowly began picking Blakk's goons off, one by one, as they tried to intervene.

Off-duty Shane Gangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن