Katie the Aussie

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Katie had met most of Caitlin's Aussie friends before they started dating whether it be at birthday parties for Caitlin or other events. Either way she knew that Caitlin was really close to her friends especially Sam, Alanna and Mackenzie. She had gotten along well enough with all of them throughout the years, but for some reason the first time they all got dinner with them as a couple, Katie felt more nervous then she had in a long, longgg time.
Katie was a little quiet as dinner began allowing the Aussie teammates time to catch up. She was honestly happy for once to be the silent one at the table. That was until sam spoke up to bring her into the conversation.
"McCabe! How are ya? Glad to see Caitlin finally did something about all the pining over you that she's been texting about for way too long."
"Pining for awhile huh?" Katie turned to Caitlin and nudged her trying to the turn the attention away from her again. Luckily for her it worked. Unlucky for her it led into a conversation about all the times Caitlin has had crushes on other girls throughout the years. Including her first crush, Sam.
"I think the worst she's ever been over Sam though!" Alanna blurted
"Sam doesn't count. I was a confused 15 year old and literally any girl that looked at me was the love of my life."
"That's not what you said back then" Macca laughed at her.
"All of you shut up you're gonna scare her away."Caitlin said leaning over to Katie who had remained quiet through the stories and inside jokes that she didn't know.
"Not going anywhere don't worry" Katie said back looking at Caitlin
Little did Katie know the three Aussies looking on all saw the heart eyes Katie had despite being obviously nervous. Hearing her say she wasn't going anywhere and really meant it was all they needed to approve of her. That didn't mean they would stop telling all of the past stories of Caitlin just to test her though.
On the ride home, Katie was still fiddling her fingers together.
"You okay?"
"Yeah sorry I just don't know if they really like me ya know? I was just really nervous and don't think it was a great first impression. Well I guess it wasn't a first impression. I just well I know how important they are to you -"
"Kates! I promise you they like you. When they first met Lia they were all silent because they thought they were going to break her, they were being themselves today. That means they approve I promise. I mean how could they not honestly."
That made Katie smile.

Throughout the course of their relationship Katie's relationship with three only continued to improve. Whether it was hanging out with Alanna in Australia over Christmas or discussing all things cats with Sam as they compared Helen and Coopurr stories. Macca even personally texted Katie to invite her to her 30th birthday party.

Katie even took initiative to invite Caitlin's friends over for a dinner party at their place right before Caitlin's birthday. Making sure to cook all of their favorite food from back home that she had taken a mental note of during one of their past conversations.
As Caitlin and Sam were busy outside, Alanna and Macca came in to help Katie with the dishes.
"Oh don't worry about it guys you go out and join Sam and Cait. I'll finish up here!"
"Well thanks, food was great too!"
"Glad you liked it" Katie said turning back to the dishes"
"Listen Katie," Alanna said getting Katie's attention back, "we obviously have known Cait a long time and based off of what she's told us and what we've observed you two are perfect for one another. I think it goes without saying that if you hurt her we will kill you," she said seriously, making Katie gulp, "but we wanted to tell you that you are our friend now too and we want the best for you as well. So if Cait is being an idiot just tell us and we will sort her out." She said a little lighter this time.
Katie laughed at the last statement. "Don't worry I have no plans to ever stop treating her as best as I can." They smiled at each other as the two Aussies went out to meet their friends.

Caitlin had never experienced her friends responding so well to someone she was seeing and that meant everything to her. Even getting a text from Macca after seeing their photos from their Dublin trip wondering where her invite was.

Throughout the past couple of months she would even catch Katie texting one of her friends as they would send her something funny they'd seen that they thought Katie would like. What she didn't like was how when they all hung out now Katie knew all the inside jokes and had extra ammunition to add when they all decided to gang up on Caitlin. Especially when they taught Katie some Aussie slang terms that were for making fun of Caitlin.
"You're just so fun to joke around with" Katie laughed at her as she kissed her pouting lips.
"I liked it better when you weren't friends"
"You don't mean that." Katie said giving her another kiss.
"Thought I was dating an Irish girl, not another Aussie." Caitlin said returning the kiss but rolling her eyes in the process.

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