Finally Back

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Warning mature content!!!!!!!!!!

Katie laid on her couch counting down the minutes until Caitlin was going to be returning from the airport. She thought back about how much she enjoyed her summer but at the same time was so happy it was over because now her and Caitlin would officially be back living under the same roof. Yes they had seen each other throughout the summer, but for the first five or six weeks Caitlin was in Australia and then the got a few days together before Caitlin had to go to camp again. Of course Katie was with her at the Olympics, but seeing each other for a coffee here and there or with her entire family wasn't the same.
But now Caitlin was returning. They would be back to normal. And Katie couldn't wait.
They had a reservation for dinner in London that night and Katie was in the midst of getting ready when she heard Caitlin come in the front door. Immediately dropping her makeup she sprinted downstairs and found Caitlin dropping her bags down and turning towards her with the biggest smile. It took Katie all of a millisecond to run and jump into Caitlin's arms who caught her with ease.
They didn't waste a second leaning in to give each other a huge kiss. When air became a problem Caitlin slowly lowered Katie down to the ground and rested her forehead on Katie's as they held each other for a moment.
"You're back" Katie whispered almost relieved.
"I'm back darlin"
Unfortunately for them they had a quick turnaround if they wanted to make their reservation so Caitlin quickly went to shower and get changed as Katie finished up her makeup. And then the two were off to catch the train into London.
Katie couldn't contain her smile as she looked over at Caitlin. When she had arrived from the airport she was wearing her famous gold circle necklace, but switched it for dinner with the interlocking necklace Katie got her after the Olympics. She also had her Claddah ring on and Katie subtly rubbed her thumb over it as the held hands just enjoying each others company for a few moments.
"Tell me about Italy! I'm sure you and your mum loved it!"
"What do you mean I called you every night to talk silly girl?" Caitlin said
"I know but tell me again. It's so much better in person when I can see your face light up over the details you find really important" Katie said back beaming at Caitlin waiting for her to tell her all the stories again.
The statement made Caitlin's heart swell as she did something she never did and kissed Katie in public. She could tell Katie was a little shocked at the unexpected kiss, so continued on to tell all of her stories and new memories she made with her mom watching as Katie happily listened on.

At the restaurant they shared a delicious dinner and took some cute but funny videos of one another eating to post to Katie's snap story.
Afterwards they walked hand in hand back to the train to go home but not before Caitlin turned towards Katie to tell her how absolutely beautiful she looked, resulting in a nervous laugh and blush of her cheeks. Caitlin prided herself in still being able to make the one and only confident, loud and brash Katie McCabe blush like a thirteen year old talking to their crush for the first time.

As they made it back home Caitlin was thinking how there were two things true 99% of the time in their relationship. 1 Katie talked way more than Caitlin. 2. Katie usually started sex way more often than Caitlin.
Right now the first was very true, but Caitlin was so focused on wanting the second to be true that she wasn't paying any attention to what katie was saying. But she quickly realized that she needed to take control of the situation this time around because Katie was still yapping about coopurr? No practice? Oh forget it Caitlin thought as she walked up behind Katie as she was taking her Jewlery off and pulled her hips back to reach her own and then started kissing up and down Katie's neck and jaw line.
Caitlin could hear Katie's story start to stutter out as Katie got lost in the neck kisses. Caitlin slid her hands around Katie's waist to undo her pants button and push them down her legs followed by removing her shirt and bra. Katie was already breathing heavy at this. Cait quickly spun her around and picked her up just as she had earlier today when they reunited. She made her way to their bed and dropped her down slowly before raising Katie's arms above her head and holding them down.
"Leave them here" Caitlin whispered in her ear making sure to breath extra heavy so the hot air would give Katie goosebumps.

With Katie's arms above her head she kissed her way down her body but avoided a certain area that Katie kept trying to get friction on. When she  made it all the way down to her ankles she looked up and slowly removed Katie's underwear while keeping eye contact with her. 
"Fuucck" Katie slowly breathed out as she watched Caitlin start to kiss back up her legs.
When she reached the apex of Katie's inner thigh she pushed her legs far apart and blew some air in between a sensation that made Katie's hips buck like crazy and elicit a moan she had never heard before. The sound turned Caitlin on so much that she couldn't keep up this slow tease act she's been playing any longer and quite literally dove right in to Katie, tongue first.
As she put her tongue in as far as it would go, her nose started to hit Katie's clit making her legs come back in to wrap around Caitlin's head. Caitlin smirked, even though breathing was hard, this was her favorite position in the world and if this was her last breath so be it.
But Katie didn't last long after that and slowly released her legs while catching her own breath. She finally was able to use her arms again as she dragged Caitlin up to her lips and moaned again as she tasted herself all over Caitlin's face. She quickly became frustrated with the amount of clothes Caitlin still had on and threw them around the room. Within seconds Caitlin was stripped of her clothes and their positions were flipped.
Katies mouth switched between caits left and right nipple as her fingers worked their way down between her legs. As she pumped her fingers in and out she could feel Caitlin's breathing increase and moved her mouth to the sweet spot on Caitlin's neck making it damn near impossible for her to keep her breathing under control. After a few more moments of Katie's skillful touches had Caitlin clenching around her fingers.
"Welcome home baby" she whispered as she positioned Caitlin to sit on her face for round 2 before Caitlin had even officially recovered.

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