Trouble in Paradise PT 2

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This is somewhat of a continuation of the previous story, but more focused on Caitlin's recent comment about her dad in the interview she did.

It was the last few days of Caitlin and Katie's Christmas vacation in Australia. They had spent the few remaining days in a lovely hotel in Sydney. One morning Caitlin woke up to weight on her chest and smiled down as Katie was fast asleep with half of her body sprawled on top of Caitlin's. She leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the crown of her head before leaning over and grabbing her phone. But what she saw made her heart somehow race and made her stop breathing at the same time. She sat up quickly, which woke Katie up as she got knocked out of place, and stared at her phone for a long time.
"Hey I was sleeping!" Katie said with a pout, but when she realized Caitlin hadn't answered or even seemed like she heard her, she touched Caitlin's arm to bring her back to earth.
"Cait baby? You okay?"
"N-no" Caitlin said with a wobbly voice which made Katie quickly jump up to get in a position to hold her.
"What's the matter?"
"My dad. He texted." The short response was all Caitlin could manage right now.

Katie had learned more about Caitlin's father as they got further into their relationship. Especially after their fight which was somewhat impacted by the trauma he caused. But Katie had never witnessed Caitlin having to recall more than a memory of him. Now that this was in real time. A text of all things. Caitlin seemed very unsure of how to handle the emotions. A mixture of curiosity, anger, sadness, maybe even a little wanting and hope all wrapped up and exploding inside Caitlin's mind.

"What does it say?" Katie said softly
Caitlin showed her the phone which revealed a message detailing how he saw Caitlin was in Sydney. He wanted to grab lunch or dinner with her and catch up with her while she was in town. Said he would drive down to her as he lived in Brisbane.

Katie recalled that her dad occasionally visited his two girls growing up. But when they were older in age. Always arranged by the parents. He came to her games, when in Brisbane. But never reached out to her to grab lunch? So why now? That was Katie's thoughts but she didn't want to lead Caitlin to making a decision so she kept them to herself.

"Do you want to go?"
"I think so. But maybe just coffee." Caitlin said very very quietly. Katie gave her a squeeze in return to let her know it was okay to want to go and see him.
"Do you want me to come?"
"Would you be mad if I said no"
"Not at all baby. You get to make every decision here I'll just support what you decide."
"I just- I don't know it's weird. I don't want him to see me happy with you. Don't want him to know I'm in a good relationship no thanks to his example growing up." Caitlin said starting to get angry.
"Cait it's okay I will stay here okay. And if you change your mind half way through I'll be sprinting to be by your side. Like I said it's only your decision that matters."
Caitlin nodded in return as she messaged back a short response to meet the next day for coffee. And sent back a location.

The rest of the day carried on with their normal plans but Katie could tell Caitlin was slightly off. And was avoiding her sister throughout the day so she could avoid bringing up her recent text conversation with their father.

The next day came and Caitlin seemed stressed and tense the whole morning until she left for coffee.
"I'll be right here when you get back baby" Katie said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Caitlin walked hands in pockets to the cafe she sent. She saw him first through the window. It was so strange. Seeing parts of her. Seeing parts of Jamie. In a man that she barely knew. Once he spotted her he stood up immediately and went to give her a hug but she backed away. Luckily he got the hint and sat down with a brief nod, but kept his smile. She didn't get it how could he be this happy right now while she was a mess inside.

"Hi Caitlin how are you? How was your Christmas?"
"Yeah good spent it with the fam and some friends at mums house. Um how are you?"
"Good as well it's lovely to see you. You're looking great!"
Caitlin got awkward immediately. Was this what conversations with her father were going to be? Just small talk?
The conversation lasted a bit longer and they finally recieved their coffee order. Most of the talking was her father. Saying how he has been watching all of her games online. Even waking up early for the Arsenal games. Saying how proud he was of her.
He didn't get to be proud, Caitlin thought, he did nothing to help me get to where I am now. In fact he made it harder. She felt her anger boiling and took a sip of her drink to try and calm down.

"How's your sister?" He asked eventually
"You could have texted her to find out" she said a little too aggressively.
"Mhmm guess I could have. Next time then." He said trying to remain civil. It was different than the old him. Caitlin remembering he had a short fuse and would yell at her mom for the five minutes they were near each other during visits when they were young.

"I've been seeing rumors about you a certain teammate. Are they true? You make a good couple." He said trying to lighten the mood but only making it worse.
"Look I got to go. Nice seeing you." She said abruptly grabbing the check.
"Wait! At least let me pay it. Please I asked to meet you."
Caitlin handed the check over. Smiled briefly and started to turn away.
"Thanks for coming Caitlin! I mean it thank you. I enjoyed chatting with you."
Caitlin wanted to yell but instead just smiled again and headed out.

She basically ran to her hotel and flung the door open to find Katie sitting exactly where she said she'd be. Katie didn't need to ask how she was based on her face and instead just opened her arms for Caitlin. Who ran for the hug immediately.
"I've got you baby girl" Katie whispered into her ear.
"He he- he's different. I think he actually cared about what I have to say. And instead of that making me happy for once it pissed me off more than I even imagined. He doesn't get to care about me!" Caitlin said now standing up and pacing back and forth.
"He lost that when he left us. Why didn't he care when I broke my arm at 5. Why didn't he care when mum had to choose between throwing Jamie a birthday party or taking me to a tournament because she couldn't afford both that month. Why didn't he care when I sat home from the father daughter dance because I didn't have a father to take me. Why does he care now!" She yelled again as tears filled her eyes.
Katie didn't answer instead just stood up to hold her tight in a hug again and rubbed a hand down her back. Eventually Caitlin calmed down as asked to lay in bed. Katie crawled in behind her and they put on a crappy Netflix show as Caitlin cuddled into her and eventually fell asleep and Katie made sure not to move at all so Caitlin could continue to hold her hand the whole time.

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