Chapter 37: Botanya

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On many maps throughout time and space, there is a bit towards the edge labelled "Here Be Dragons," or something to that effect. The general idea is that you ought not go to that place where an interesting-looking serpent is apparently partially submerged beneath the sea.

Based on that rather limiting logic, if all of the places that had dragons in The 7 Layers of Space were labelled properly, nobody would be able to go much of anywhere.

But more importantly, they'd be missing out on a variety of very interesting conversations with dragons.


"The Clock Dragon will be wanting to see you," Professor Hero said, while pulling the elevator up onto the landing and lashing it down.

"Everybody wants to see me!" Terrycloth Green said in in a kind of automated response, hopping off and returning to form.

Theodore looked past the Professor and out into the dense sprawling mass of branches behind him. They were inside the dense foliage of a tree, but the rambling branches also created an organic thatched structure. He hesitated as he looked down at the floor of many branches.

"Did you build that horrifying raft of doom that nearly killed us?" Terrycloth Green asked.

"Indeed," Professor Hero responded, "Though I prefer to refer to it as a flagship of efficiency."

"Efficient rickety doom. You could have left room for my dog," Terrycloth Green replied, sullen.

"You would not have liked how that equation resolved, Mister Green. You are here, are you not?" Professor Hero responded.

"More or less," TCG responded.

Theodore was eerily reminded of the land of the Under-dwellers, except here in place of giant dirt tunnels there were giant woven branches running in intricate and intertwining directions. He was further reminded of the Under-dwellers when a dozen or so creatures who bore a striking resemblance to them waddled up to Professor Hero and made guttural noises that was either speech or excited barking.

"Ah!" Theodore yelped at their sight. Their height and build and features were all exactly like those of the Under-dwellers, except they're skin had a deep tan compared to the Under-dwellers sickly pallid ivory, and most noticeably, their eyes held small pupils instead of a dense milky whiteness.

"Do not be alarmed, Theodore, The Over-dwellers mean you no harm. Nor would the Under-dwellers have, if approached properly."

"That's pretty useful information to have much much later," Terrycloth Green responded.

"Your sarcasm is lost on me," The Professor responded.

"Well obviously it wasn't if you knew it was sarcasm," replied Terrycloth Green.

"Hi Over-dwellers," Theodore said, putting aside his companions' bickering and trying to be open-minded, his head and body still spun from being hoisted upwards. He looked at The Professor and realized that in the moment he saw him without the long scientific nose-tube on his face, The Shnozel Flixim as he called it, he would be built exactly like these Over-dwellers. These were his people, or at least they once were.

"Both species are largely peaceful. But both populations are deeply suspicious of and fearful towards outsiders of any kind – and in some cases with good reason, I might add. I have gone to great lengths to prepare them for your arrival, and I believe that they are now enthusiastic to meet you. That said, I'll need you to carefully abide by my lead while we are here. I'm looking particularly at you, Mr. Green."

"And I'm looking particularly at ways to trash the place," Terrycloth Green replied, and was summarily ignored.

"There's a dragon?" Theodore asked.

Theodore & The 7 Layers of Space, Book 1: Brick & BirdWhere stories live. Discover now