❣︎ 𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝓇𝒾𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁 ❣︎

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Me and Klaus were getting near the place where the sacrifice was supposed to happen. There were three fire circles around three women. One of them being a vampire, one werewolf and one a doppelgänger. The werewolf was in transformation and screaming in pain. I didn't need my vampire hearing to catch what Elena was saying, "Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them. To keep this curse sealed." Though Greta had a different opinion, "My duty is to Klaus! The new order."

Klaus smiled as we stopped. "Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He turned his attention to the three sacrifices of the ritual, "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?" It was finally time. After all those years. Klaus was finally able to break that curse. There was nothing that could stop him. He handed Greta the moonstone.

"The moon is past its apex," Greta looked up to the moon, whose light was penetrating through the dark of the night. "Remember everything you need to do?"

"I remember," he confirmed. My attention turned to Jenna. I got remorses. I shouldn't have called her.

"Okay, but... Does it really have to be Jenna?" I tried to somehow made Klaus change his mind. It didn't work. He refused. Greta set fire to the stone and began to chant the spell. The werewolf's scream rang out to my ears. She had to be in so much pain.

Klaus approached her and the fire circle around her fell down. She had enough strength to ran against him. She wanted to defend herself. However, she wasn't strong enough. Klaus was a lot stronger. He pushed her down to the ground. He plunged his hand into her chest and stroked her cheek before swiftly ripping her heart out. It was a terrible sight. Seeing it with my own eyes, I could feel her pain. I wondered how Klaus felt. Probably great. I wondered how it felt to hold someone's life in your hand. Being able to count the last beats of the heart. Feeling the power over someone's life. It had to be overwhelming. That much overwhelming that a person could easily get used to it. Plus someone with the powers as a vampire. Vampires don't need to feel anything. They're predators. They don't have to care about anything and anyone. Precisely about humans.

Klaus grabbed the werewolf's heart and squeezed it over the stone bowl where was the stone. The red liquid poured out of once beating organ. I stood nearby Elena and watched her stepping around nervously. I wanted to figure out how to fix what I had messed up and help Jenna without ruining Klaus' chance of breaking the curse. There had to be something.

"Alice!" Elena called to me. "Why are you doing this? Please, don't. Help Jenna."

"I'm afraid I can't. I'm sorry, Elena," I shook my head. My mind wasn't capable of coming up with some plan.

"Please, there has to be something," she pleaded. "Don't let us down. Alice..." I watched her sadly without a word, while she continued, "Alice, I know you. You're Stefan's sister. You're not this person. So please. Help Jenna. Be the person you truly are." Elena was a very good motivator. But I knew she wouldn't have been talking like this if she knew I was the reason Jenna was a part of all of this.

3rd person

"Bonnie did the locator spell," Elijah approached Stefan. "They're at Steven's quarry."

"I'll head over there first and you'll follow with Bonnie when it's time," Stefan nodded to assure he was familiar with the plan.

"Just as the moon hits its final phase. She has to stay hidden until then. He cannot know that she's alive." Stefan nodded his head in agreement and walked past him.

"You're very honorable," Elijah spoke up, which made Stefan stop in his tracks. He returned to him. "Are you?" he asked. "Because this whole plan is, uhm... It's contingent upon your honor, Elijah."

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