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Sitting her listening to Queen ass yap in my fucking ear about her and Jade ass fighting last night and this morning about Jade flirting with Vee at the club last night.

Like sometimes Queen ass don't let shit go. Jade was obviously trying to help Nao calm her ass down; and did.

Like damn, I'm sure Jade isn't going to cheat again, to be risked getting killed for sure this time.

"Yo ass ain't listening, blood."

"I am, you just keep saying the same shit son. Like give it a rest, blood."

"I can't never express shit to you niggas."

"Man, my baby it ain't like that. You've been tripping for like sixteen hours about this shit. She explained to you what she did and why. Queen, you know you two been good. Don't do this shit."

"I'm not doing shit but saying how I fucking feel."

"I know, and I get it. I'm saying can't keep dwelling on it, my baby that's all."

"I guess, son. She should have told me first."

"I know, I agree. But she told you soon as she walked away."

"Yeah, I guess, blood. I pushed her and shit last night."


"I was upset and she fucking hurt my feelings."

"Where is Jade?"

"In our room."

"You know you need to go up there and talk to her right?"



"I will see you later. Wassup Shui with yo fine ass."

I looked up from the magazine I was reading and she was standing there.


"See you later, and apologize correctly Ocean Ranea."

"By blindie." I heard our door slam.

"Hey, have fun at the spa? Any juicy gossip?" I joked.

"I got a hand massage and my nails painted." She held her hand out.

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