Chapter 2

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Taylor nodded "I know this doesn't look great and I absolutely understand why you want to talk about it. But please – I am so tired. I can't face it right now. Can we just do it tomorrow?"

Tree shook her head "You have just passed out – this can't wait. We can do it here or we can do it back at the hotel, with your parents there. It's up to you"

Taylor sighed, looking at the IV bag which was running slowly through the cannula "fine, here is good"

Tree nodded "how long have you been struggling for honey?"

Taylor glared at her "I'm not struggling. I am just busy. I just did a 3.5 hour show – in the heat, without anything to drink. I'm not surprised I fainted – it's a miracle is hasn't happened before."

Tree sighed "I'm not surprised you fainted because you haven't eaten all day, then you did a 3.5 hour show. We both know what is happening right now. I need you to be honest – I cant help you if I don't know the whole story"

Taylor rolled her eyes "honestly Tree, I'm just dehydrated. I will have these fluids and be as good as new."

Tree narrowed her eyes, her voice stern as she spoke "Taylor"

The blonde glared back at her "I am fine. Drop it"

The two of them sat in silence as the IV continued to drip through. Tree was trying to come up with a way to discuss the blonde's evident struggles again meanwhile Taylor was panicking, trying to think properly to come up with a plan to throw them off. She knew that people were on to her but she wasn't prepared to admit it yet. She couldn't admit it yet. Yes she had to admit things had spiralled quickly and maybe she was a tiny bit out of control, but if that's what it took to get to her goal weight then that's what she would do. She wouldn't let them stop her from achieving it, she had worked too hard to give it up now.

Finally the IV finished, the doctor removed the cannula. Taylor was under strict instructions to rest up tonight and to make sure she had a big breakfast and lunch tomorrow. The doctor looked between the pair of them "I would like to check you over before you go onto stage tomorrow. Let's say 4pm?"

Taylor wanted to protest but Tree beat her to it "that sounds great. We will be here waiting"

He excused himself and left, leaving Tree and Taylor alone. Tree turned to Taylor, plastering a fake smile onto her face "Shall we get back to the hotel then?"

Taylor nodded, pushing herself to stand up. As she did, she felt dizzy again and Tree rushed to her side, holding her up "you ok?"

Taylor nodded, taking a few steps away "Yeah, just tired"

Tree stared at her "you must be starving too – you haven't had dinner yet"

Taylor was going to protest but the look on the redhead's face made her pause "yeah, I'll have dinner when I get back"

Tree nodded "I'll message your mum so she can order you something to have it there waiting for us"

Taylor forced a tight smile "great". She didn't feel great though – she was panicking inside, wondering what her mum would get for her. As they slid into the car, she began to chew on her nails, the anxiety taking over as her leg began bouncing up and down.

Tree placed her hand on the blonde's leg "hey, stop. You need to rest"

Taylor looked at her, shocked that it had been noticed. She gulped, trying to keep her face neutral. She tried to appear casual "did you text my mum?"

Tree nodded, squeezing her hand gently "yeah. She called room service, it should be ready for you when we get there". Taylor nodded, chewing her lip gently.

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