Chapter 23

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"It's the little acts of kindness that stitch together the fabric of friendship and help mend the tears in our hearts

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"It's the little acts of kindness that stitch together the fabric of friendship and help mend the tears in our hearts." - Lucy Miller

Chapter 23 - Comfort in the Kitchen


A few days had passed since the somber occasion of Gilbert's father's funeral, and the spirit of community and support within the group of friends was palpable. Lydia, alongside Diana, Ruby, and Anne, had taken it upon themselves to prepare a comforting meal for Gilbert, hoping to bring a small amount of solace through their culinary efforts. The kitchen was alive with activity and gentle laughter, a stark contrast to the recent days of mourning.

Diana was at the counter, her hands busy grinding meat for the shepherd's pie, while Ruby meticulously prepared the pie crust, her fingers deftly shaping the dough. Lydia was by the oven, rolling chocolate chip cookies into perfect balls before setting them onto a baking sheet and sliding it into the warm oven. Meanwhile, Margaret, the ever-efficient helper, buzzed around the kitchen, tidying up as the girls cooked.

"If the key to a man's heart is through his stomach..." Ruby joked, eliciting a smile from Margaret.

"Which it is," Margaret chimed in, wiping down the counter with a flourish.

"Then we have to make sure this is the best shepherd's pie and chocolate chip cookies Gilbert has ever tasted," Ruby declared with a grin.

As Lydia closed the oven door and straightened up, Anne reentered the kitchen, placing a freshly washed bowl on the rack. Joining the conversation, she offered a different perspective.

"Being a good cook shouldn't be very high on the list of romantic attributes if you ask me," Anne said thoughtfully. "If one was interested in romance, which I'm not, I'd like to be noticed for me, not my dinner."

Diana and Ruby burst into laughter at Anne's earnestness, while Lydia remained quiet, inwardly agreeing with Anne's sentiment.

"You're so funny, Anne," Diana giggled through her laughter.

"I didn't mean to be funny," Anne replied, slightly puzzled by their reaction.

"Oh," Diana said, her voice trailing off as she pondered Anne's words. "So what's on the list then?"

Amidst the teasing, Lydia's attention drifted momentarily to Minnie May, who was happily snagging bits of food from the table. Lydia sighed softly, her gaze lingering on the little girl before snapping back as Anne continued.

"My brain, Diana. My personality," Anne stated firmly. "As in, who I am."

Anne, with a playful tilt of her head, brought a thoughtful hush over the group. "I like to believe that's what truly matters," she said, pausing for effect, "if romance matters at all. Which it doesn't."

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