Chapter Two;

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It was a long mission for the 141 task force, and Ghost was looking for survivors Bravo 0-5 heard movement and he alerted Ghost. "Ghost we got one survivor over here," He said. 

Soon Ghost saw a young female and he helped her. "Easy now, We're here to help, What's your name?" Ghost said. She stayed silent. "Can you stand?" Ghost asked. She shook her head.  

"I'll have to carry her, and radio Soap. And tell him we need backup," Ghost said. Right away Sir," Bravo 0-5 said. "Come on, let's get you out of this hell hole," Ghost said as he picked her up.  

The young female was in shock and barely able to speak. Ghost could see the fear in her eyes, but he knew he had to remain calm and get her to safety. He radioed Soap and informed him of the situation, requesting immediate backup. 

As Ghost carried the girl through the war-torn streets, he could hear gunfire in the distance.

He knew they had to move quickly before they were discovered by enemy forces. Bravo 0-5 led the way, clearing a path for them as they made their way to the extraction point. 

Finally, they reached the rendezvous point where Soap and the rest of the team were waiting. The young girl was quickly taken to safety and given medical attention. Ghost sighed in relief, knowing that they had saved another life. 

As they regrouped and prepared for their next mission, Ghost couldn't help but think about the horrors of war and the innocent lives caught in the crossfire.  

But he also felt a sense of pride knowing that he and his team were making a difference, one rescue at a time. And with that thought, they set off once again, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. 

Ghost saw the female's more comfortable clothing. "She is shaken up but she will speak on her own time, and try not to crowd her," the medic said.  

The female spotted over she wanted Ghost to sit beside her and the medic was surprised. "Looks like she's attached to you," the medic said. 

"Yeah, he saved the girl," Price said as he was getting looked at. Ghost sat down beside the young female, feeling a sense of responsibility and care for her well-being.  

He could see the gratitude in her eyes as she looked at him, and he gave her a reassuring smile.  The medic observed the interaction between Ghost and the girl, noting the unexpected connection between them.

"It seems like she trusts you," the medic remarked, impressed by the bond that had formed so quickly.  Price, overhearing the conversation, nodded in agreement.

"Ghost always has a way with people, especially in tough situations like this," he said, acknowledging Ghost's ability to connect with others and make a difference in their lives. 

As they waited for further instructions and debriefing, Ghost stayed by the young girl's side, providing her with support and comfort.  

Despite the chaos and uncertainty of war, he knew that moments like these were what truly mattered – the chance to make a difference, one life at a time.  

And with that thought in mind, he vowed to continue his mission, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.   

A few days later;
"Oh look who finally graced us with her presence. Feeling better?" Soap asked. "The medic finally cleared her," Ghsot said. "Good to hear, so what's your name, Lass?" Soap said. 

The female known as Antalya reached for Ghost's arm and gently gripped his sleeve. "It's alright, Soap's just a bit too friendly for his good, but he means well. You're safe here. Nobody's going to hurt you. I Promise." Ghost said and he turned to Soap.  

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