Chapter Seven;

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Irene's herd had thanked Simon for keeping their family safe and Alex smiled. "Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'd do it all over again if it meant keeping Irene safe," Alex said.

Irene smiled. "To keep our families and herd safe, I will allow you two to marry when the time comes," Irene's father said. Irene smiled and Alex smiled and hugged her close.

As Irene's father gave his blessing for Alex and Irene to marry in the future, a sense of warmth and happiness filled the air.

Alex felt a surge of joy and gratitude as he held Irene close, knowing that their love had been acknowledged and accepted by her family and her.

"I promise to always protect Irene and our families, no matter what challenges may come our way," Alex said, his voice filled with sincerity and determination.

Irene's eyes sparkled with happiness as she looked up at Alex. "I will stand by your side through thick and thin, Alex. Together, we can overcome anything."

The rest of the herd gathered around, offering their congratulations and support for the young couple. Simon placed a hand on Alex's shoulder, a proud smile on his face.

"I couldn't be happier for you two. May your love continue to grow stronger and may you always find strength in each other," Simon said, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

As the sun set over the snowy landscape, casting a golden glow over the scene, Alex and Irene knew that they were meant to be together, bound by a love that was as fierce and unbreakable as the winter itself.

As they looked towards the future, they knew that their journey was just beginning, filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a bright and beautiful life together.

Alex and Irene grew closer and they began dating. Alex was making breakfast and Irene kissed his cheek. Simon and Antalya came out and Simon hugged his son. "Mornin' dad," Alex said. Antalya kissed her son's cheek.

Alex chuckled. Irene helped Alex. "Here, that way the fish will still have some meat after cooking it," Irene said. "Thanks, I've never filleted a fish like that before," Alex said. Irene kissed him.

"Good thing I'm here huh?" Irene said. "Yep, I love you so much, my beautiful snowflake," Alex said. "You got that because my blue eyes are shaped like snowflakes?" Irene giggled.

Alex smiled. "I know it's a bit cheezy," Alex said. "No, it's adorable," Irene said. As the morning sun streamed through the windows, Alex and Irene shared a tender moment in the kitchen, preparing breakfast together.

Their love for each other shone brightly in their interactions, from playful banter to sweet gestures of affection.

Simon and Antalya joined them, their presence adding to the warmth and happiness of the moment. Simon embraced his son, a silent expression of pride and love passing between them.

Antalya kissed Alex's cheek, her maternal affection evident in every gesture.

Irene's guidance in filleting the fish brought a smile to Alex's face, grateful for her expertise and support. Their easy camaraderie and shared laughter filled the room with joy.

"I love you, Irene. You bring light and warmth to my life, just like a snowflake in the winter," Alex said, his eyes full of adoration.

Irene chuckled at his sweet words, her blue eyes sparkling with affection. "You always know how to make me smile, Alex. Your cheesy lines are what make you so endearing to me."

As they finished preparing breakfast together, surrounded by love and laughter, Alex and Irene knew that their bond was strong and unbreakable.

The simple moments of togetherness were the ones they cherished the most, weaving a tapestry of love and happiness that would sustain them through whatever challenges lay ahead.

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