Chapter Six;

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Alex was training with his Dad and his grandfather saw Alex. "His movements are sloppy," he said. "Dad, he's gonna suck at hand-to-hand combat at first but he will get better, and I will be training him not you. Take five, Son," Simon said.

Alex nodded. "Dad, leave my family alone, just because you ruined your life and ruined your marriage and the lives of your two sons, I will not allow you to do that to my family and I am a better father than you ever were," Simon said.

Simon's father scoffed and walked away, his expression showing a mix of anger and disappointment. Alex could see the pain in his dad's eyes and felt a surge of determination to prove his grandfather wrong. He trained hard, pushing himself to improve his skills and make his father proud.

As days turned into weeks, Alex's dedication paid off. His movements became more fluid and precise, his confidence grew, and he slowly but steadily improved in hand-to-hand combat. Simon was impressed by his son's progress and encouraged him to keep pushing himself.

One day, during a training session, Simon's father returned unexpectedly. He watched silently as Alex demonstrated his newfound skills, moving with speed and agility.

Despite himself, a flicker of pride crossed his face."Looks like you're not as hopeless as I thought," he grumbled. But before Alex could respond, Simon stepped in.

"It doesn't matter what you think, Dad. Alex is my son, and I believe in him. He's strong, he's determined, and he's becoming a skilled fighter. You may not see it, but I do. And that's all that matters," Simon said.

Simon's dad scoffed. "All I'm saying is that I thought you were raising a snowflake," He said Alex had enough and punched the man who was heartless and abusive towards his father.

"Whoa! Dude!" Jake Mactavish said as he high-fived his best friend. "Thanks," Alex said. "Damn Amigo, José Vargas said. Antalya saw Alex holding his hand.

"Узми мало леда," She said. "ок, мама," Alex said. José, Jake, and Lyra followed Alex. As they walked away, Simon's father stood there in shock, nursing his bruised jaw.

Simon looked at his son with a mixture of pride and concern. "I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, Alex," he said. "But violence isn't always the answer." Alex nodded, knowing that his father was right.

But in that moment, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction for finally standing up to the man who had always belittled him.

From that day on, Alex continued to train and improve his skills, with the support of his friends and his father by his side.

As he grew stronger both physically and mentally, he knew that he was no longer the "snowflake" that his father had once thought him to be.

He was a fighter and a warrior, and he was determined to prove everyone wrong. And with his newfound confidence and determination, Alex knew that he could overcome any obstacle that came his way.

Alex saw his friends; Jorgé, Jake, José, and Lyra talking, and a short girl was struggling to reach her top shelf and Alex grabbed her books for her. "Thanks," Of course," Alex said.

Bennet Graves; Phillip Graves's son approached them. "Hey freak," Don't be mean, he's just extremely tall and it runs in his family, it's all genetics," the girl said.

"Shut up, nerd!" Bennet said. The girl hid behind Alex. "What the bloody hell? You can't talk to her like that, she's just explaining that sometimes my genetics will make me look different than other people, hell, My dad is 6'4" My mum's dad is nearly 8'0" feet tall," Alex said.

Bennet laughed. "Whatever freak," Bennet said as he walked away. Alex huffed. The girl gently held his hand. "You are unique, Alex, never forget that," she said as he gently pulled him down to her height and kissed his cheek.

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