Chapter Three

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Antalya and Ghost were sent on a mission and Antalya had Ghost's back her callsign was Viper and she was deadly and as a recruit, she already had more kill counts than half of Taskforce 141.

It even impressed Ghost and Price. Ghost and Viper were the two most deadly members of Taskforce 141. As they moved through the enemy territory, Viper's sharp eyes and quick reflexes proved invaluable.

She took out enemies with precision and efficiency, never hesitating to make the tough calls when necessary. Ghost knew he could always rely on Viper to have his back, and he trusted her instincts and skills without question.

They made a formidable team, working together seamlessly to complete their mission objectives. Despite their success, Viper remained humble and focused on the task at hand.

She never let her impressive kill count go to her head, always striving to improve and be the best soldier she could be. Together, Ghost and Viper proved to be a force to be reckoned with, earning the respect and admiration of their fellow teammates.

They were a deadly duo, unstoppable in the face of danger and always ready to take on whatever challenges came their way. Once they made it back to the Safehouse Ghost checked on Viper. "Are you alright, Luv?" Ghost asked.

"Yeah, I'll be okay, Simon," Viper said. Ghost could see the exhaustion in Viper's eyes, but also the determination that fueled her every move. He knew she was tough and resilient, but he still couldn't help but worry about her well-being.

"Let me take a look at that wound," Ghost said, gesturing towards a cut on Viper's arm. She nodded silently, allowing him to inspect the injury. "It's not too bad, just a scratch," Ghost reassured her as he cleaned and bandaged the wound.

Viper winced slightly but remained stoic, refusing to show any signs of pain. "You're one tough cookie, Viper," Ghost said with a smile. "I'm lucky to have you watching my back out there."

Viper nodded, a small grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "Likewise, Ghost. We make a pretty good team, don't we?" Ghost chuckled, feeling a sense of camaraderie and trust between them that went beyond just being teammates.

He knew that as long as they had each other's backs, they could conquer any mission that came their way. As they sat in the Safehouse, taking a moment to rest and recuperate, Ghost was grateful for having Viper by his side.

They may have faced danger and uncertainty on a daily basis, but with Viper as his partner, Ghost knew they could handle anything that the world threw at them.

"It feels like yesterday when I saved your life when you were tied up in that hell hole three years ago and now you are a deadly member of our team, Antalya," Ghost said. "Thanks, Simon," Viper said.

"It's all in a day's work, Viper. Just glad to have you on our side now," Ghost replied with a grin. Antalya nodded in appreciation, grateful for the second chance she had been given.

Together, they made a formidable team, ready to take on any challenge that came their way. Ghost and Viper were training and Viper managed to take him down and she pinned his arms above his head and they were inches apart and Viper looked into Ghost's hazel eyes and she was frozen and Ghost managed to pin her and Ghost lifted his mask.

"Bloody hell, I'm in love with you," Ghost said. "Then kiss me, Simon," Antalya said. Ghost kissed her and Antalya wrapped her arms around d his neck and kissed him back.

It was sweet and innocent. As they pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other, both breathing heavily. Ghost chuckled, "Well, that certainly escalated quickly." Viper laughed as well, feeling a warm blush spread across her cheeks.

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