Chapter 38

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You groaned and rolled to your side, pulling the covers tighter around you. The room was cold, and as you shifted a bit to the right, you suddenly fell off the bed. That shouldn't have been possible since your window sill was just to the right of your bed, slightly above it. You should have slammed into the wall instead.

Panic set in as you stood up, looking around in alarm. This wasn't your bed or your room. A wave of nausea hit you hard, and you had to balance yourself against the headrest to keep from falling over again.

The room you were in had light blue walls and smelled like roses. To your right was a couch and behind it, you assumed, the door to the bathroom. To your left was a window with tinted glass-the kind you could see through but people outside couldn't. Looking down, you saw a couple of kids from your class heading toward the school area. It was nighttime you wondered if they were sneaking out.

You were in the penthouse, the boys' dorm.

You pressed your head against the glass, brows furrowing in frustration as you tried to remember what had happened. It was all a blur.

After a few minutes, it came rushing back. Your brother, the drug, the phone. The PHONE. You quickly checked your pockets. Even if it was locked, you could still use the emergency call to alert someone. But it wasn't there.

You looked back at the door leading out of the room, slowly opening it to see if anyone was awake.

Yukio stood there with his arms raised as if he was about to open the door. You internally groaned. Of all the people you could have come across, it had to be Yukio.

"Get away from me, Yukio," you said, trying to move him out of your way. But he stood there like an immovable rock. You glared at him.

He held your gaze, taking a step into the room. You retreated, not wanting to be touched by him.

He took another step, making you take another step backward.

"Y/N," he said, taking his third step. His chocolatey brown eyes were tinged with emotions.

You took another step back, falling onto the bed. Yukio caged you with his arms on either side of you, the close proximity making you queasy.

"My mom told me to protect the things I love," he said, his breath smelling like roasted cinnamon. "And i will."

"You don't need to. I can protect myself," you said, looking away from him. He just called you "thing ".

"We brought you here because you couldn't protect yourself," he said, as if stating a fact.

"It was because you all put me in that trouble," you yelled, agitated by how much space he was taking.

You wanted to push him back or at least knee him between the legs, but you were trapped under him.

"I will protect you, Y/N," Yukio exhaled, his breath caressing your face. "You will be safe with me."

"She doesn't need your help to do that," a sharp voice emerged from behind. As you looked at who it was, you could only see the barrel of a gun pointed at Yukio.

Akira stood there with his gun trained on Yukio, his gaze fixated on the position you both were in.

"Get away from her, you big oaf," Akira sneered, motioning Yukio to move aside with a flick of the gun.

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