Chapter 40

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You heard Hikaru trying to talk with you too, but his voice disappeared from the background soon.

"It's not easy to fool me, Y/N. I know what you are thinking. Each step you will take. How long will your dear cousins keep you safe? All it takes is one phone call for them to get arrested for harboring a wanted person," Subaru's voice was sharp, each word like shards.

"Shut up. I don't want to return. Don't you pull them into this," your hands trembled, but somehow you felt he was smiling again. Smiling at your foolishness.

"Your deadline ends on Monday evening. If you don't return, I will have to take drastic measures that will affect you and those you care about. I'm sure you would not like that to happen. Take care y/n ..... Also, pick up our calls. Always," he finished before the phone line cut, leaving you in silence.

You paced around the living room for hours, your mind a whirlwind of fear and frustration. Subaru's threat echoed in your ears, a constant reminder of the danger lurking over everyone you cared about. Desperation clawed at your thoughts, leaving you feeling cornered and helpless.

In a fit of anger, you threw your phone, watching it hit the television and bounce back. You were about to throw it again when it buzzed.

Buzz buzz.

"Kitten," a rough voice called out. Yukio. You didn't remember the last time he called you that.

"Are you there, kitten? Are you alright?" His voice was laced with concern, but you were in no mood to answer him.

"ANSWER ME" Yukio's outburst of rage made you flinch.

"Don't test my patience, or I will make mincemeat out of that friend of yours," he threatened, his voice sending chills down your spine.

"I am fine. Please don't touch Angelica," you pleaded, your fist clenching in frustration and fear.

A sigh of relief came from the other end, followed by a momentary pause. "When are you returning?"

You shook your head in disbelief at his audacity. "Why don't you understand? I am not coming back," you said, disconnecting the call.

Buzz buzz.

"Kitten, WHY DON'T YOU understand I can't live without you? When you come here, I will give you a surprise," Yukio said, his tone softened, making you cringe.

"I am not coming back. Get that through your thick skull," you shouted. No surprise could make you return. How foolish did he think you were?

There was a long pause, almost as if he had disappeared from the other end. Then his voice came back, low and menacing. "You will come back, kitten. It doesn't matter whose head I have to behead." There was a beep indicating the end of the call.

You looked out the window and saw your cousins approaching. Taking a deep breath, you ran forward to greet them, trying to push aside the dread that Yukio's words had planted in your heart.

"What were you doing the whole day? Wasn't it boring?" Yasumi asked as she put the washed dinner plates back.

"Boring?" you echoed, looking at your phone as if it were a bomb that could explode at any moment.

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