call me as your's -2

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On the otherside jungkook is in his home..... Home..... Yah... A sweet one.... Look like a vintage home... His mother like flowers alot... So the whole place filled with different type flowering plants and trees..... Most of pink white and purple flower trees...
Rain drops dripping from the branches and petals of the flower... In the garden light we can barely see the beauty of the garden.... It's not that much big... But a beautiful one.... The house... A medium type......a kitchen along with daining hall.... A living room....a simple neat room... And the upstairs... A hall along with some furniture... And a big room....

Inside that big room... Jungkook is laying on the bed trying to sleep..... He is only wearing a shorts.... He closed his eyes... But saw a pair of hazel eyes.... He felt a sting in his heart... Not a pain... An urge.... An urge to see those eye more ..... He lift his hand and touched his face... He felt that soft touch in his face..... He breathed heavily.. He wants more... More and more... He wants to drowning in that touch..........


Jungkook's bike roar in the parking area of the university compound...... Everyone looked at him... Some one in jealousy because of his look and studying ability... Some arrogant students looked at him in pure hates and desdine...... Some of them drooling over him.... At least for a single touch and fvck... But jeon jungkook is a forbidden fruit for everyone... He doesn't even allow to touch his arms  of his cloth any one in seduc.....tive way ... He doesn't like that....he fvcking hate that.......

He gets down from the bike and walked towards his class...... Not knowing his life is going to change....

Since jungkook is a forbidden desire of everyone.... So they calmed themselves by hurting him... Most like trying to hurt him...

Lisa : whooo.. Who is this ...
The one who doesn't  know who is his father...... Hei jeon... How about you give an escort for me.... I will give you money..... as much as  you want... Wanna be my sugar baby..... I will be your sugar mommy..... I will pay for you handsom....

Jungkook gritted his teeth and looked at her... A smirk formed in his lips....

Jungkook : well..... May be i'm a bastered... But i don't touch a like you.....

Lisa felt anger rushing through her  whole body....

Lisa : you..... Bastard....

Jungkook : your daddy.....

He sneered at her and walked towards his class....Not knowinv someone is looking at this all with a proud smile......


In the evening time... Jungkook's bike stopped in front of a garage... A garage that repair heavy vehicles..... He gets down from the bike and walked in.. He placed his bag inside a room and changed his shirt to a simple tank top and a baggy pant... He looked the owner and starts to repair a heavy truck..... He is very perfect in his job...
And the owner himself like him... Because once jungkook's mother was his love... A onesided love... Still he loves her even he has a family... Sometime we have a special person for us... That no one can replace..... So he likes Jungkook .....he gives e Jungkook extra money not lettin him know  .. He knows he is a proud boy just like his mother......

Jungkook sighed deeply looked inv at the truck....
The repairing work is almost done... He came out from under the truck.  He carelessly wiped his hand on the waste cloth.... He looked at his palm... Some scratches... Some deep cuts... The cut happened todays is a bit deep... He sighed and walked   towards the room and picked  his bag after changing the dress....he drove his bike back to home...

On the way he stopped infront of a park... He looked around... Soft wind is blowing around the place... He felt calm.. He gets off from the bike and walked towards an empty corner and sat in a cement bench.... Suddenly a strong wind flew and some leaves and flowers fall on him..... The atmosphere changes a bit more dark indicating the presence of rain....... He closed his eyes and leaned back.... With a relaxing sigh.......

Soon soft rain drops fell on his face.... He opened his eyes... Light rain... He smiled a bit... And sat there...... He place his wounded greese filled hand on his thigh and again closed his eyes.....

He felt a soft touch in his hand...... Like some one is caressing his wounds.... He shoot open his eyes and looked beside him.... His raven eyes met with two hazel eyes.... That same boy.. Taehyung... Jungkook blinked in disbelief..... He looked at the boy who is  also looking at him..... A amall smile formed in taehyung's plumpy lips......Taehyung looked at the wounded hand jungkook also followed his eyes...

Taehyung softly hold the hand and wiped the grease with his white fragile soft hand..... He looked the wound..... Jungkook flinched when he felt a hot luquid dripping on his wound... He looked at that boy with his wide eyes... Yes... That hazal eyes filled with tears and that plumpy lips wobbling slightly...... Jungkook felt his heart will came out anytime....

Taehyung softly caressed that hand and using his sleeve then  he wiped the dirt from that hand and picked his white hanky from his pant pocket and carefully covered the wound... Jungkook looked the whole actions with his crazily beeting heart.... Taehyung hold the palm closer to his lips and softly kissed the wounded hand... Jungkook's breath hitched.....

Who.... Who is this... Why he is caring for him... Why he can see a diferrent emotion in that hazal eyes... Why that eyes hunting his soul... Why... Just why...he gulped hard... Taehyung looked at jungkook still tear filled eyes... He lift his another hand and caressed his face just like yesterday..

Jungkook closed his eyes feeling calm..... Feeling loved.... Yes.   Felling love

Light rain drops falling above him wetting their body........ Taehyung move closer to jungkook holding the wounded hand closer to his heart...... He slowly leaned towards his shoulder and rest his head and closed his eyes.... Strong lavender fragrance hit in jungkook's nostril... He felt uneasiness... His heart is foung something with him.... No this eathreal boy is doing  something with his heart... He can't endure that feel... But he wants that.... More.... More.... More......

Jungkook closed his eyes feeling the angelic presence......minutes passed to an hour... Still they are under the rain... Taehyung holding that hand closer to his heart......they opened his eyes when someone caled Taehyung....

Jimin : tae.....

Taehyung lift his head and looked at jungkook who also looking at him.... They made an  eye condact...... Looking deep into their souls..... Taehyung lift his hand and caressed other's cheek with lot of affections....... His cold yet warm hand touching that lip piercing....jungkook heard that words like that came from a cave.....

Taehyung :(calm deep voice) baby bunny......

With that Taehyung leaned more and placed his lips on other's forehead very tenderly....... Jungkook closed his eyes feeling .......... something... ..... Something he is craving for.....

After a long peck Taehyung backed away and placed his lip on his chin.... Closer to that mole under his thin lips... Jungkook's breath hitched and posassiveness grew in his soul ....... Taehyung looked at his eyes and stood from the bench.... He turned around and  walked... But in two steps he felt a hold in his hand.... He stayed like that....

Jungkook : (desperate voice)who....

Taehyung looked back.... He moved closer to jungkook.... He slowly... Very slowly wrapped his hands around other's toroso and leaned to the body.... He put his head on his chest tightening his hold.... Jungkook felt he turned Into  a statue... He literally frozen in his place..... He wants  to hug back... But he can't..... His heart betrayed him and beats like crazy  and insane....... His breath become uneven..... Heavy.... He fekt that warm again.... Warmth from that fragile body.... He heard a soft whisper that made an explotion in his heart and mind..... tears rolled down from his eyes......

Taehyung : your's........ Only your's.......

Taehyung placed a soft kiss on his heart area and backed away......he cupped his face and smiled at him....

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