eurovision pre party part 5

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the crowd was amazing. everyone was jumping and singing your song from the top of their lungs. it was crazy, but it was a blast. you felt great overall. your heart was still pounding and your head was dizzy, but all of those things would eventually go away. you just needed to drink some water and relax for a moment.

everyone on your team was proud of your performance. they were congratulating and complimenting you on the performance. everything would be perfect if you hadn't messed up one thing. you made joost upset. it wasn't a small mistake; it was a big one. big enough to make him walk away from you and not talk to you for the rest of the night.

you excused yourself from everyone and quickly walked to the nearest hallway you could find. it was quiet there, and nobody was around. you took out your phone and texted joost, asking where he was and apologizing. you weren't sure what you had exactly said that made him mad, but you still apologized. it was the right thing to do, or so you thought.

you waited a few minutes, but he didn't answer. joost didn't even open your message. he might be busy, or he was just probably ignoring you. you sighed and put your phone in your back pocket. where the hell is he, you thought.

"hey!" you turned around to see where the voice came from. it wasn't joost. marcus and martinus were coming your way. you quickly sighed and smiled at them.

"hey, have you guys seen joost?" you asked.

"joost? no, we haven't seen him. he wasn't up on the balcony with the others." marcus said, and martinus nodded in agreement. you sighed, and checked your phone. joost still hasn't answered.

"shit. well, good luck on the performance though. i'm gonna find the others." you smile at the brothers and wave them goodbye. martinus waves back to you, and marcus nods. the both walk away from you.

you quickly walk to the nearest staircase. a few backstage workers come down the stairs and congratulate you on your performance. you thank them and walk up the stairs as fast as you can. your phone softly vibrated in your pocket. someone messaged you. hopefully it was joost.

paidatonriehuja posted a story

käärijä only posted something on his instagram story. you groaned and put the phone back. you'll look at the story later. it wasn't as important as finding joost. you quickened your pace, and soon you found the door to the balcony.

as you opened the door, everyone's eyes landed on you and they all greeted you. nemo came right over to you and gave you a big hug. they congratulated you on your performance too and said everything was amazing. olly quickly came over and gave you a hug as well.

"have you seen joost? i've been looking for him." you asked everyone around you. olly and nemo shook their heads. aiko sat down on one of the seats next to you and answered no. teemu and henri walked over to you.

"he just went down with dons. they wanted a picture together." teemu answered and adjusted the glasses on his nose. henri nodded in agreement and softly smiled at you.

"thank you so much! i'll be back!"

joost was nowhere. dons was nowhere. you had looked everywhere, but they were still gone. the show was almost over, and you had no idea how to find joost. he still hasn't answered your texts, not even opened them at all.

you sat back down on the couch, where you had just earlier been, trying to ignore joost. you took out your phone again and decided to check what jere had posted on his story. it was just a video of him and häärijä dancing to some song. they looked to be having a great time.

"thanks man, it was great!" that deep voice was too familiar. you looked up from your phone and finally relaxed. where the hell has he been, you thought.

dons waved joost a goodbye and walked out of the room. you quickly got up from your seat and walked right over to joost. he glanced up from his phone and immediately looked startled to see you.

you grabbed his hand and pulled him with you. joost let out a groan and mumbled something while the two of you were walking, but you barely understood what he said. you led him into the same hallway where you had just been texting him before.

"look, i have no idea what i did, but i am so sorry. i really don't want to be in a fight with you. you are the only contestant i knew before all of this, and everything feels better with you being here. eurovision without you would be so terrible." you grab his hands and softly squeeze them. joost doesn't say anything for a few seconds, but then he smiles. it's warm and sweet enough to make you feel so much better.

"i'm sorry for lashing out, it was stupid. i was just feeling a bit upset, and i acted like an idiot." he looks down at you and softly explains. his voice sounds smooth and gentle. you could listen to him talk for hours and hours.

you frowned, but quickly gave him a sweet smile and pulled joost into a hug. this time, the hug was comfortable. you didn't feel nervous or embarrassed. every bad thought and every anxious feeling left your body completely.

it almost felt like the hug you both shared when the friesenjung video was finally filmed. you and joost hugging in a random german street, congratulating each other on the song. aggu and everyone had left, gone off to drink. it was just you and joost and the refreshing feeling of having done something right filled your lungs.

it was a good day, today was a good day.

a/u: hi people!!! i hope everyone is doing good and feeling well! so i have decided to continue with this story and i'm thinking of maybe doing 10+ parts? it's not decided yet, but there are definitely more parts coming to this story. also thank you so much for the support and all of the positive feedback. it means so much to me <3

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