eurovision pre party part 17

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the first day of rehearsing was almost over. you had already gone on stage, and being there was just amazing. with the big crowd in the semi finals, it would be even better. for that, you still needed to wait quite a bit.

now, you were relaxing in your dressing room, waiting for joost to go on stage. it was calm and quiet in the room, and all of your crew and team were tired from the big performance. everyone was happy and excited about the days to come, but at the same time, all of you needed a break.

as you sat down on the sofa in the corner of the room with a pack of chips in your hands, you heard a loud knock on your dressing room door. one of your dancers, who happened to be close to the door, opened it and called out for you.

quickly, you got up from the seat and walked over to the door. joost was standing outside your room, nervously playing with his hands. he always does that when he's stressed. you smiled up at him and gestured for him to come into your room. he shook his head at you.

"can we talk somewhere private, please?" joost asked, scratching his neck. just now, you noticed his face was a lot more red than usual. you nodded and stepped outside, closing the dressing room door.

joost took your hand and led you to a break room. there was nobody around, and the place was very quiet. he gestured for you to sit down on the couch. you quickly sat down and looked at joost with a worried expression. his nervousness was making you very worried.

joost started pacing around the couch, muttering something in dutch. you called out for him, but he seemed to be too distracted by his own mumbling. you stood up from the couch, and finally joost's eyes moved back to you.

"sorry! i'm just nervous and- just, i keep on having bad thoughts." joost sighed and shook his head. your expressions softened, and a frown appeared on your face. you reached out for joost's hand and guided him to the couch.

the dutchman hesitantly sat down and took off his giant blue blazer. your eyes examined his every action, trying to figure him out. joost sighed again and leaned back down on the couch.

"what happened? you were excited half an hour ago." you softly said, trying to keep your tone calm and hoping that would help joost calm down. you were always the one he came to when something was wrong.

"i don't know. i started thinking about what my parents would think. maybe they would hate my weird look?" joost said, fidgeting with his hands again.

"joost, they are your parents, they wouldn't mind. they would be proud anyway. they are proud of you." you answered. he was observing you closely, trying to see if what you said was true. you placed your hand on joost's shoulder, and he seemed to calm down.

"and don't even worry about the rehearsal; you'll do amazing." you said, which made joost smile. he leaned his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes.

you pulled him closer and slid your hand around his back. joost let out a satisfied sigh and put his hand around your waist. the two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the warmth of one another and the quietness of the room.

"can i kiss you you, mijn liefje (my love)?" joost whispered into your ear. his breath was hot against your neck, and you felt shivers run down your body. you turned your head, your eyes deep set on joost, and you nodded at his question.

he slowly moved his hand under your thigh and pulled you onto his lap. you let out chuckle, at his sudden action. joost's hands were placed on your waist, and you moved your own hands onto his shoulders.

the dutchman leaned in, and your lips touched. the kiss was soft and gentle, but mixed with a bit of sloppiness. joost was nervous, and he wanted to burn some heat off. it was understandable. you had no problem with the way he kissed.

his hands moved around your back, and your hands slipped into his hair, playing with his soft blonde hair. it was still a mystery to you why they were always so soft. truth be told, you were jealous of it.

you heard some noise coming from the hallways, but you decided not to take any notice of it. joost seemed to be ignoring it too, or he was just too busy moving down to your neck.

"thank you, i'm glad you liked it." as the sentence left someone's mouth, the noise and stepping stopped in the corridor. the only thing you could hear was joost's soft lips moving.

you pushed your head up to look around, and you almost had a heart attack then and there. dons and nemo were standing outside the break area, looking at you and joost with shocked faces. you had never seen dons look so astounded.

you quickly leaned away from joost. he still hadn't seen the two, and let out a whine as he moved back to your lips. your hand moved to his face, turning it towards nemo and dons. joost quickly turned red.

"uh, me and joost are dating." you awkwardly said, trying to ignore the fact that you had just been making out with your boyfriend in a public space.

"we know, marina has been talking about it nonstop." nemo moved their hand off their mouth and said with a laugh. they didn't look very shocked anymore; they were just a bit surprised, but happy.

"we couldn't be happier about you two." dons said and smiled at you and joost.

you uncomfortably let out a laugh and slowly turned your head towards joost. he looks flushed, but still has a small smile on his face. you notice your lipstick is all around his mouth, which makes you quietly chuckle. joost looks at you, confused by your laugh. you wipe the lip marks off his face, hoping to get them all off before he goes on stage.

"oh, martinus has been looking for you. he said he had something important to tell you." nemo said to you. joost immediately sighed and put his hands around your waist, trying to keep you closer to him.

"martinus is here?" you asked, pulling away from joost's grip.

"he came to see your rehearsal. i think he's waiting for you in your dressing room." nemo answered, pointing towards your room. you nodded at him and stood up from the couch. after exchanging smiles, dons and nemo walked away.

joost grabbed your hand and looked up at you with his puppy eyes. you sighed at the dutchman; he knew what could make you stay, but this time his beautiful eyes and big frown wouldn't make you stay.

"joost, i'm sure it's nothing." you said, and took both of his hands into yours. the man let out another sigh, not believing you at all.

"then why did he come here to see your rehearsal? he doesn't even perform today." joost argued, his hands moving around with the words coming out of his mouth. he was jealous, you were so sure of it.

"klein, just relax. you're my number one anyway." you softly said, moving away from him to take his royal blue blazer from the couch. you helped joost slide his hands into it and button the suit.

"you promise you'll be there for my performance?" he asked, looking down at you with a worried look. you nodded and pulled him into a hug.

"i'll be there, i promise." you said.

a/n: hiii!! i hope everyone liked this part, because the next one is going to a bit of a disaster. joost is going to be pretty upset and jealous, just giving everyone a heads up :)

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