eurovision pre party part 12

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finally you and joost had arrived in finland. the flight from malmö to helsinki wasn't long, but you were still tried from all of the traveling. joost, on the other hand, was super excited and energetic.

this man somehow managed to wake up at five in the morning, and he was still jumping around like it was the afternoon. now you checked your watch, and it was almost one in the morning.

you and joost had just grabbed your luggage and were now heading to another part of the airport. one of jere's good friends was supposed to be waiting for you.

"i'm glad you came with me." joost said as the both of you walked through one of the big sliding glass doors. you smiled at him and laughed.

"don't get me wrong, but i couldn't miss the opportunity to see jere. i haven't seen him for so long!" you sighed.

you and jere had done a single together, before eurovision. somehow, you stumbled upon some of his music and contacted him right after that. he had told you that he was a big fan of your music too, but had been too shy to ask for any kind of collaboration.

after that, you and jere became great friends and saw each other every chance you could. if he had the chance to come to your shows, he did, and the exact same way around.

"what about me? you didn't want to spend time with me?" joost asked, faking an offended tone. you simply laughed at him and shook your head.

"what do you think, klein?" you smirked again. joost playfully rolled his eyes. he took your left hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. joost's eyes moved up to you. it looked like he was asking permission. you smiled at him and nodded.

you and joost went through another, and in the distance, you could see a yellow suit standing out amongst other people. there was also another man next to him, holding out a camera. he probably wanted to make a video for häärijä's account.

you smiled and dragged joost with you. he let out a small yelp, but soon realized why you were walking so fast. a big smile fell on your face as you got closer to häärijä.

the camera immediately moved onto you and joost. häärijä was holding up a sign that had your and joost's names on it, and there was also written 'häärijä taxi company' on it with a smaller text.

joost loudly laughed and did a heel kick in the air. he was still holding your hand and almost dragged you with him. you couldn't help but laugh at the situation. häärijä came closer to you and opened his arms to you. you brought him into a hug, and soon joost joined as well.

the man next to you stopped filming and smiled at all of you. joost and you pulled away from the hug, and häärijä quickly dropped his little act. he smiled at you and welcomed the both of you back to finland.

"i missed you so much, tomi." you said and pulled tomi (häärijä) into a tight hug again. he laughed and told you he was glad to see you too. after a few sweet seconds, you pulled away and your eyes moved onto joost for a moment.

joost put his hands on his hips and said in a slightly offended, but joking tone, "hey! why didn't you hug me that tight when we saw each again."

"you're too tall for that." you joked and tomi laughed with you and agreed. joost covered his face with his hands and imitated a crying noise. you pulled him closer to you and put your hand around his waist. he smiled, those adorable dimples showing again.

häärijä smiled at the two of you but decided not to comment anything. he introduced you to the cameraman, whose name was actually ahti. the four of you started talking while walking to the car tomi and ahti had driven here in.

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