eurovision pre party part 14

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"i saw you listening to my songs on the plane. which one is your favorite?" joost asked, letting out a huff of smoke. you rolled your eyes at him and started thinking about which song to choose.

"hmm, maybe antwoord or 2002/2001." you said, thinking about your choice. joost looked down at you and smiled.

"i think it is safe to say you are fan of me." joost smirked and put the cigarette back into his mouth. you let out a chuckle, knowing damn well that you were more than a fan.

"i'm not only a fan of your music. there are other things i enjoy." you teased. joost's ocean eyes moved back to you. his face turned red, and his head moved immediately away from you.

you laughed, and joost stepped away from you, hiding his face. he ran away from you and let out another huff of smoke. then the dutchman walked out of the alleyway and quickly came back with no cigarette in his hands or mouth.

"do you want to go inside, mijn liefje (my darling)?" joost asked, walking closer so he could take your hand. you rolled your eyes at him as he swung his and your hands up and down in the air. ugh, how much you loved when he spoke in dutch.

"yes, please. i can't wait to sleep." you sighed. joost laughed, and the both of you started walking towards the apartment complex.

joost pressed the buzzer outside the door, and the both of you waited for jere to let you in. soon the door was unlocked, and joost opened the door for you. he gestured for you to go in.

you laughed and patted his back as you entered the building. your eyes searched around for the elevator and soon found one. joost being joost, he immediately ran to the elevator before you and pressed the button.

"what are you trying to prove?" you asked, crossing your arms over your chest as you walked next to the ducthman. joost shrugged and laughed.

"that i am a gentleman." joost teased. the elevator door opened, and joost walked closer to the door, gesturing for you to go in first again. you shook your head at him and pulled him in with you.

the door closed, and joost teasingly smiled at you. he moved closer to you and put his hands on your hips. you looked up at him, knowing exactly what he wanted to do. your hand moved to his shoulders, and joost suddenly had a dimpled smile on his face.

"i think this is why you were being such a gentleman." you smirk at joost. he slowly leaned down, still with a big smile on his face. just now it was a bit redder than usual.

you pulled him closer, and he pressed his lips on yours. this time, the kiss was more desperate. it was like he needed you. your and joost's lips moved perfectly together, and there was no doubt the both of you wanted each other badly.

joost cupped both of your cheeks and pressed you against the elevator wall carefully. he held you close and didn't let go for a second. you put your hands on joost's waist and he slowly pushed his body against yours.

the elevator let out a small ding, and the door opened. your eyes moved out of the elevator, and there was an old lady standing outside of it. she had a very surprised look on her face. then she sighed and raised her hands.

"lapset näinä päivinä (kids these days)!" the old finnish woman said and walked away from the elevator. you didn't understand what she said, but you couldn't help but let out a small laugh. joost also giggled and reached out to press the close elevator door button.

joost leaned down again, trying to kiss him, but you put your hand on it. he frowned again and pulled his face away from you. his hands were now around your hips, and he stepped closer to you again, trying to convince you somehow.

"what did i do now?" he asked, pouting his lips at you and giving you his adorable puppy eyes. you frowned and let out a small laugh.

"not in the elevator, baby." you said while trying to get your lipgloss off his mouth. joost smiled at the nickname and started playing with a strand of your hair.

the elevator dinged again, and the door opened. you and joost walked out, you and him still holding hands. when you finally made it to jere's door, joost knocked on it, and it took a few seconds before käärijä opened it for you.

"ahti and tomi went home. i go to sleep now, okay? we hang out tomorrow, yes?" he asked, smiling at the two of you. joost and you stepped into the apartment and took off your shoes. you nodded at jere, and his eyes moved down to your neck. his eyes widened as he looked at you and joost.

you looked at him with a confused look on your face. your hand moved to your neck, and you touched the spot where jere was looking. you almost let out a gasp. joost's eyes moved down to your neck, and he also noticed the hickey he had left on your neck from before.

"olette vihdoin pari (you are finally a couple)!" jere said in finnish. he clapped his hands and smiled at the two of you before he walked away. you and joost were left dumbfounded.

"i think he figured out because of the mark you left on my neck!" you said as you hit joost's shoulder, causing him to let out a yelp. joost looked away from you and shrugged his shoulders.

"jere already knows i have liked you for ages. he is just happy." joost answered with a small smile. you raised your brows at him.

wait, he liked me before this, you thought.

"for how long?" you asked, trying to be casual about the question. somehow, your voice didn't sound as convincing as you wanted it to be.

"since last years summer. i wanted to tell you when we were in berlin, but that went to shit..." joost said in a quieter tone. he pushed his lips together and started playing with his fingers. you gave him a small smile and kissed his cheek.

"i'm sorry." you softly said.

you came out of the bathroom, your clothes finally changed. joost was already in bed, watching something on his phone. you noticed he had taken his glasses off too. his eyes moved up to you as you walked over to the bed. joost put his phone on the ground, and he turned over to your side.

you put your phone on the nightstand and got on the bed. joost helped you put the blanket over your body, and he scooted closer to you. deciding to ignore his puppy eyes again, you turned away from him and pulled the blanket up to your neck.

joost scooted closer to you again. he slowly put his hand on your hip and turned you into your back. your eyes met his, and joost gave you a pleading look. you sighed, and a smile appeared on your face.

joost got up from his spot, and you pulled him closer. his body was over yours, and your hands moved onto joost's hips. he spread his knees next to your waist, and he leaned down to kiss you.

one of your hands moved to joost's cheek and the other to his shoulder. you pulled him closer to you, his chest and yours now touching. joost's hand suddenly slipped under your back. you could feel yourself getting goosebumps.

joost moved down to your neck, kissing and softly sucking on it. your hands moved up to his hair, ruffling and stroking it. you loved to play with his hair, and you knew he loved it too.

you slowly pushed him away from your neck. joost groaned again, just like before you went outside. he tried to lean back at him, but you scolded him. joost leaned away, giving you some space.

"do you want to do it in jere's apartment?" you asked, smirking at him. joost's face suddenly turned into a big smile.

"i will do it anywhere with you, mijn mooi meisje (my gorgeous girl)." joost said.

a/n: i hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! i know it is a bit more suggestive like the last part, but i hope everyone is fine with what happened in this chapter. let me know want you guys want to see more in the next parts. thank you!!!


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